BurningSun's Replies

The MCU films, minus Woke Panther and Captain Hillary Clinton. The rest of the movies, especially Endgame, are for the real logical thinking men. Is does you is are the is miley citrus yes? The Terminator accidently goes to the wrong place and time and, through confusion, kills the wrong people. Innocent people get murdered. Make it low budget, maybe indie like the original film. Gory, dark, and violent horror film about an unstoppable machine. Guess what, Hillary aint your president! Stick to Woke Panther. Slavery hasnt existed in 100 years. Sheeple scum Whats worse? One blue hair transgender millennial saying something dumb on twitter? Or the leader of an entire nation and representator of the republican party saying something dumb on twitter AND national television? Or is it only bad when a liberal does it? You trying to say you didnt like this masterpiece? Stick to Captain Marvel, you transgender sissy. Pesci might’ve won had he not retired. As it is, Jackson. Not an awful movie at all. Still has tons of charm and good excitement, especially during the ending. One of the best films of the decade. Strikingly original and shocking in every regard. One of those movies that’s genuinely one of a kind. It should’ve been nominated for best picture and best actor for Jake. Hell, even Bill Paxton could’ve been nominated for best supporting actor. I studied this in college. There are actually quite a few differences between sociopathy and psychopathy, although they do share many similarities. For starters, it is most commonly accepted that sociopathy is more of a learned behavior shaped through abuse or psychological trauma, whereas psychopathy is a genuine mental disability of sorts that the sufferer is born with. Sociopaths are capable of feeling remorse, but usually cant understand or manipulate human emotion. As a result, many sociopaths are often misdiagnosed as having Aspergers or high functioning autism. Psychopaths can understnad and manipulate emotions with ease, but don’t truly feel that way. For example: a person can tell an unfunny joke and a genuine kneeslapper. The sociopath would recognize both jokes but doesnt understand what made one joke bad and the other good, nor does he feel any genuine emotion from either jokes, so he just says “good one”. The psychopath would register both jokes and not find either even remotely humorous, yet both times he responds with a very convincing laugh and can even be brought to tears through his own masterful manipulation. Jake Gyllenhaal plays a psychopath in this movie. He is a man who lies, cheats, steals, and manipulates with absolutely zero remorse. He knows exactly what to say and how to say it in order to get out of or get into any situation. He also sees zero flaws or moral issues with his ideology, and thinks everyone should be like him, backed by the very last line of the film: “ I would never make you do anything I wouldn’t do myself.”. The only thing he does that doesn’t line up with psychopathy is a brief moment where we see him smash a mirror in a furious rage. A real psychopath couldn’t have cared less and wouldn’t get angry like that. However, a sociopath would. The character isn’t a sociopath because a sociopath would’ve felt remorse. Yeah everyone thought that, even Roger Ebert. You’re definetly not in the minority. I honestly think Ebert might’ve been the one to start that misconception. Agreed! Yeah i remember all the times Obama belittled people like a bully at recess, failed to fact check simple stuff, didn’t prepare for speeches, went golfing every other weekend, etc. Yeah I remember when the communists enslaved half of the world and sent entire races of people into concetration camps for total extermination. r/whoooooosh Considering that Heathers was loosely remade in 2017, I don’t think you’re right. Is this just a post for insecure “logical” anti-SJW neckbeards to vent? If so, let me try: Spider-Man: has “man” in the title Batman: see above Superman: see above Jurassic Park: no transgender characters Pulp Fiction: a black person shoots someone, stereotyping blacks as thugs Lord of the Rings: title implies women cant have the ring Fast and the Furious: the two leads dont have a gay kiss scene Oh please. Next you’ll say they couldn’t make Rambo today because it showed guns! Actual guns! Why couldn’t those movies be made today? If anything, those movies would THRIVE today, especially Mrs Doubtfire. Blaxploitation would do just fine today too. And why wouldn’t Silence Of The Lambs do well today? Hannibal is a very popular show. The title is reference the family getting revenge on the shark, not the shark getting revenge on the family. It is a terrible movie though.