MovieChat Forums > Iron Man (2008) Discussion > Tom cruise as Iron man ?

Tom cruise as Iron man ?

Done get me wrong..Without RDJ there is no Ironman..But heard Cruise was first approached for the role and he couldn't take due to his schedule..If he had taken it whether this movie would have achieved the same intensity as it did with RDJ ?


It would've been horrible. Tom Cruise is so hugely famous that he can only play Tom Cruise. It makes it impossible for him to disappear into a role.


Vultureofculturegolf, that is not true. I guess you have never seen Collateral.
On topic, Tom Cruise probably would've had to leave and be replaced since he probably couldn't work on both Mission Impossible movies and MCU movies in the same year.


I think people forget that Tom Cruise has been nominated for multiple Oscars. Anybody who think Cruise “cant dissapear into a role” hasn’t seen Born On The Fourth of July. Even Tropic Thunder gave him a near unrecognizable face!


But 'Edge of tomorrow' had somewhat similar kind of role and it did suit him well ! I think it might have suited him but would not have achieved the same depth and intensity as it did with RDJ..But again yee if Cruise had taken the role his presence would have overpowered the Iron man character and it would have been more of a Cruise movie than a Iron man movie


No, because Cruise is a terrible actor and there's no guarantee he would have been willing to play nicely with the other actors come time to make The Avengers. People accuse Robert Downey Jr of hijacking Civil War, and yet Captain America IS the star and driving force of that movie. Cruise would have, without question.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


Except, I think the Cruise would have nailed it. He would gave more sophistication than Downey Jr. did. Cruise reminds me more of a classic Tony Stark than Downey Jr. does. His character from The Last Samurai is the perfect Tony Stark of Michelini/Layton era. Downey Jr. made the character too comedic and over-the-top. Cruise is way more grittier and rough when it comes to acting.


I'm not a Cruise fan, and I'm glad it didn't happen. With RDJ I see Stark, with Cruise I'd see Cruise playing Stark. RDJ hits it absolutely on the head (his performance in Civil War - particularly the last third of the film - is absolutely fantastic).

All for a box of chocolates...


If you ask me, Cruise would have effortlessly brought the right intensity to the role; perhaps even more than necessary had the movie given some focus on Stark's issues with booze. Also, since Cruise is known for having played a few smart asses in his career, then casting Cruise as Stark would've been a no-brainer to me.

That being said, I have a hard time not seeing Tony Stark whenever I see RDJ. He was THE perfect choice for Stark.

You want something corny? You got it!


I can totally picture Cruise as Iron Man. I'm not a particular fan of Cruise but I think he would make a great Tony Stark. I'm not saying he would be better or worse than RDJ, but just different. I do feel that sometimes RDJ just goes too far with his "humorous" and take it easy attitude, even in places where it is not called for.

I think Cruise can do the humorous and serious parts of the character pretty well. But the problem is that Cruise is too well known, so people will still look at him and think of Cruise and not Tony.

"I'm the dude, playing a dude that's disguised as another dude".


That would have been horrible. In most of his movies, Tom Cruise plays Tom Cruise - and that usually isn't a good thing.

He's similar to John Wayne and Dwayne Johnson/The Rock. Once those guys are (were) in a movie, it became a movie about them. It didn't matter if they had a secondary role, it was taken over by their presence.


That would have been horrible.

Only if you're poorly familiar with the source material. Tom Cruise actually does remind me a lot of 80's Tony Stark. His character at the beginning of The Last Samurai is a better version of Demon in a Bottle Tony Stark than Downey Jr's version from Iron Man 2.



Oh, wait. You were being serious.


So, kiddies, now that you see what meth does to a person's brain...


Should be nicknamed MORON


This is too funny. You are so butt-hurt about my comment about Hillary being in jail that you stalked me to another board to try to insult me.

Typical Hillary supporter - hatred all the time.



Your mom's wasn't very good, but that was probably because she just took it out of your anus. 
