Splinter88899's Replies

Yeah she just had to trick people into see it. Im sure this is the Full Metal Jacket of her career of making movies that most people don't give a shit about. Also Full Metal Jacket ended with someone going to the gynecologist office, right. Jessica Drew was never black in the comics. That has to do with this movie woke directors. I say go ahead and make Gwen into a Transwoman and Make Miles flamingly gay. And make them both as obnoxious as possible. So i don't have to watch overrated movies about them. Not to mention making Peter Parker Dead Girlfriend into Miles love interest is creepy as hell. Sounds like a Zombie movie. I cant take people seriously who use the word soy. And no i don't eat or drink soy. I like meat, roundhouse steak, big juicy hamburgers, fired chicken and a glass of beer. You got a fucking problem with that. Your traumatized?? Wow great way to be a drama queen. Are you going tell me it ruin your childhood next. Jesus Christ is just a fucking movie. You could, i don't know, wait for the movie come out and judge on its own merits. What magical about GoT again. Was it all the beheadings, the incest, all the boring backstabbing, the softcore sex scenes or all the shots of limp dicks after the sex scene. You know i think of GOT "Magical" dose not come to mind. More like overrated soap opera. Considering that Peele is half white. Maybe these movies are a metaphor for himself. Hes always has to beat the White out of himself to prove hes a real black man. You know, like Obama not black enough type stuff. Either that he has deep seeded mommy issues. Maybe he got the plot to Get Out. Because he thought hes mom was going to kill him and take his skin as a child or something. Frankly if want explorer racial issues. Comedy is better way to do it than mediocre horror movies. You know even when Shyamalan movies weren't the best. He at least tired something original. He didn't just ripping off Invasion of the Body Snatchers and made the White People the "Body Snatchers" and Black People the "Bodies". I guess that why he wont be doing the Disney Gargoyles movie. The Gargoyles aren't black enough for him. To tell the truth. Im not interested in Disney water down X-men movies. Spider-man has been water down so much he doesn't even remember that he had a uncle and hangs out with super annoying fat kid. And the new Flash Thompson so pathetic that the real Thompson would probably dunk his head in a toilet bowl with a floater inside. Frankly im more excited for the Black Widow movie. At least i know that Scarlett Johansson is capable of more than one facial expression. Even the Shazam movie looks more fun.