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Dictator Joe calls US ally Japan ‘xenophobic’ along with India, Russia and China

Fake president Biden on Wednesday called close US ally Japan “xenophobic” at a Washington, D.C., fundraiser, just weeks after lauding the US-Japan alliance at a state dinner.

this is the guy that called for separate buses for black and white kids to go to school back in the day, what hypocrisy!!

What is wrong with this Rectum president? Calling its Allies xenophobic!?

where are those 81 million voters now? lol


Not too surprised. Joe did say he didn't want his kids in the racial jungle and liked it when blacks rubbed his hairy legs.


How dare those countries think of their citizens before everyone else in the world!

How dare they!


and surprisingly, the crime rate is a lot less. I havent seen any pro-hamas supporters in Japan or China.


I'll tell you one thing, despite their massive sizes, there aren't any "no go" zones in Tokyo, Seoul, Chongqing, or other East Asian mega cities.

It's almost like homogenous, high IQ societies are inherently safer and more trusting.


It's no surprise that leaders from other countries prefer to meet with Trump instead of a walking corpse.


the majority of World leaders want Trump as the real President.


Japan needs to tell Brandon to get fucked.


lol, I think they did, but the news is suppressed by the deep state.

India and Japan have rejected President Joe Biden’s remarks calling the US allies “xenophobic” countries who do not welcome immigrants, and grouping the two nations with China and Russia.


He should think about the insular and exclusionary nature of elite liberal American universities against anyone who disagrees with progressive group think. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


And Israel are xenophobic for not letting in the Palestinians.
