MovieChat Forums > Foster > Replies

Foster's Replies

It's in the blood ---right How many places like this would have enough acid to Drown it, or destroy all the blood?? Electrocution might work but I'm not as certain of it FIRE destroys everything, and as shown in the movie is controllable HAVE to wonder why an Antarctic research station would have so many flamethrowers??? Really like your last point, should have allowed Olmos to play a Brazilian or even a Mexican, OR (just came to me) a Puerto Rican MOST re-makes do in fact SUCK There are only 2 I've seen are as good or better than the original THIS movie and Monte Walsh Muslims usually are IF it had been PC --- Queeg would have been portrayed as a black lesbian, BUT therefore Queeg would have been found Innocent of any wrongdoing I cannot think of a movie that Martha Hyer did not look Beautiful Pretty obvious you didn't watch the movie ---- Inbred Racists such as yourself seldom do You have proved yourself to be a Racist African SHE was in Fine shape, at 43 in her prime Ahhh The 76 election 1st national election I was allowed to vote in Had been a Democrat all through High School COULD NOT support the Inept Carter Been voting Republican ever since Well Gilford DID get the Best Supporting Actor nomination BUT did not win (As He Should have, Playing a roll so entirely different than any other he'd done, and so well) I think at the end, He's resigned himself to Harrys plan and was more interested in the X Rated flick they were showing in the X rated movie theater they were at This is a great movie --- NOT shown enough Jack did a better job than the others Jack Gilford SHOULD have won Best Supporting Actor I think he carried his characters very well I never saw any over acting Like current "Stars" Not sure about the Ledger reference BUT You are correct --- Lemmon was an actor who could excel at both Comedy and Drama Robin was good enough on his own --- especially in Drama This I Like Good Call Uhhh He's got money that's usually reason enough You NEVER retreat --- Just attack in a different direction Starting at Mercury close to the SUN, work out and tell me which planets that we have at least sent some sort of vehicle to has water??? You have to understand ONE THING ---- THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE THAT COME TO THIS SITE TO JUST P,B.&M, ABOUT MOVIES THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT