MovieChat Forums > Foster > Replies

Foster's Replies

Easy for you to say EVERYONE who saw Kellys Heros KNOWS the only way a Sherman can take out a tiger is to 'Hit It In The Ass" Dude, based on your posts on this board ---- YOU need to get a Fg life Baseball is a boring game to watch--- On TV or in the stadium--- Playing it is almost sleeptime Hey Dip --- HE wasn't always a patient --- They showed his life before --- Like when he was in WW2, then at home with his wife he was fucking sane till them and he was some kind of federal agent Go back and watch the FG movie Dipshit This is NOT one of hanks worst efforts The Bonfire of the Vanities Every Time We Say Goodbye These are The Terminal --- While NOT an award winner, IT IS watchable The rest of your post is typical BS With the Naval reference I figure Spain or Portugal And did nothing for gas consumption I'm thinking you did not watch the film What happened with his wife and kids that put him in the hospital AND what was his job at that time You see him every now and then, small roles, cameos He played The Blues Brothers agent As I recall he was Wouldn't really matter THAT look would not have flown very high in any other position I'd say your right about the Meat producing end Don't recall the land trust AND if john were dying and asked Beth to not sell --- she'd say OK, BUT, could sell anyway she'd just be trying to make Dad Happy the only thing that really gets in the way is what to do with Rip AND we all seem to forget about Kaycee, HE could be the one to take over upon Johns death, and he wouldn't mind that ( and his wife doesn't seem to mind it as much as she used to) You have proven to me in the past, and particularly this post, you have no intelligence For season 5 we deserve another water trough scene without as much water I understand everything you're saying BUT IF they kill off John Dutton EVERYONE left has already said they would sell the ranch I know Beth has said as much, and I believe Kaycee, Jaime doesn't matter because by season 5 he will have been disowned and if left up to Beth --- Dead I know of No other relatives with a chance at the Ranch ---- UNLESS --- McConaughey Shows up as a bastard son of John Do you pay any attention to the movies you reply to??? It was my impression that she got high and wanted to fly --- BUT was in the penthouse, not the ground floor NEVER heard of the 2011 movie till just now Good point Oh yeah a couple obvious gay men a couple lesbos AND lets not forget the Tyrannies