MovieChat Forums > The Thing (1982) Discussion > The Fillings-Test Scene in the 2011 Preq...

The Fillings-Test Scene in the 2011 Prequel

I actually thought that they did a pretty good job with that scene in the 2011 Prequel.
What did everyone else think of it ?


A decent scene no doubt and glad it didn't copy the blood test in the 1982 original but nice to see another way to find out who is human.

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"


I do appreciate that they were trying to do something a little different. 2011 Thing was okay to me, but I ignore it in terms of cannon.

It was fine when the first guy (metal bone plate) died because it was in the process of assimilation. However, I do think the fillings test doesn't make a whole lot of sense the way it works on film. It makes the thing look down right dumb at times. If the thing can perfectly copy someone, put clothes back on, and act completely normal, why would it ignore teeth fillings and ear piercings? Shouldn't they have memories of why they have those objects and maybe put them back in place to cover their tracks? The idea gets really flawed when the imitation leaves the bloody fillings on the floor for someone to find even though they clean up the bloody shower.


The monster may have still been learning how to imitate a human during that period.


I liked how they tried to bridge the two movies together but two things totally kill it. First off the girl should not have been in the film. Right away you know she survives and with a total hollywood scripted ending like the strong Ripley like character. Big mistake. The other is so big it ruins the film. In the original movie the norge guys blow up the ship with thermite charges and film it on video cassettes. In the sequel they show none of this yet they try so hard almost scene for scene to tie into the new movie with the old.


1. I actually don't think the girl lived, I think she had the same fate that MacReady and Childs did at the end of the 1982 movie which is that she froze to death.

2. You have a good point but I like to think that the thermite charges that the Norwegians detonated in the video were to create the entrance into the ice cavern that led down to where the spaceship was.


The Thing also acted stupid in the prequel. The way it revealed itself on the helicopter and tried to consume everyone, causing it to crash. That put itself in danger which it normally does not do. Oh and it looked like CGI awfulness when it did reveal itself.


I thought both the Ice Block-Thing and the Split/Face-Thing looked pretty cool.


It was a neat idea but it was hampered by the heavy handed and gratuitous set-up of conflict between MEW's character and the project leader.

"Who can't use the Force now?! I can still use the Force!" - Yarael Poof


Great scene, a beautiful update to the famous blood test scene. I think the fillings test is superior as it creates further division and isn't total in it's conclusion, the blood test is a very definitive yes-or-no. Removes all doubt. The fillings keeps some doubt.


NEVER heard of the 2011 movie till just now
