MovieChat Forums > Fury (2014) Discussion > What do Germans think about "Fury"?

What do Germans think about "Fury"?

If there are any German people reading this, what do you think about FURY? I'm certain you knew German WWII tanks generally outclassed American ones except for the M26 Pershing. Late in 1944 the Americans introduced the M36 'Jackson' tank destroyer, basically an M10 with a 90mm cannon instead of the 3-inch (76.2mm) of the M10. The M36 could knock out any German tank, BUT, the M36 still had the thin front glacis armor of the M10 and its vulnerable open top turret. The M26 Pershing was America's penultimate tank, equal to and capable of knocking out Germany's best, the Panzer Mk IV, the Panther, the Tiger I and even the vaunted Tiger II.

After the war it became known in America that the M4 Sherman was inferior to the German tanks. It took 4 to 5 M4 Shermans to destroy one German panther, tiger I or tiger II. M4 losses were high. But since America won the war, it wasn't a big deal it seemed. But it was a BIG deal with the U.S. Army. The disaster against the German tanks influenced American tanks after the war. With the exception of the postwar light M46 Walker bulldog tank, the American Army standardized on heavy tanks. That is something the U.S. should have done in 1943, not 1945 when the war was just a little under three months from the end.



Oy Vey, what a stupid post.


So you bailed early on on this flick but you still come here to bellyache about it?

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?



hmmmm.... zionist zionist zionist..oh you mean 'Das Juden' don't you? You know? If your ethnic group stuck together, emphasized hard work & a meaningful education & helping each other out, you might get to be 'up there' with God's Chosen People too.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?



And take mine to heart too. Sure they're 'The Chosen People' but when they screw up God sees to it they're punished severely-but they always seems to come back.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


They think with their blood



German people are rude, have no sense of humor

a stereotype...the Hollywood German, and what a lot of British comedies portrayed as funnily German.

and are always proud of their German heritage when they ought to be embarrassed by it.

they are at the pinnacle of human achievement in virtually every positive, philosophy,literature, music..have I left any out?
Nothing to be fking proud of???

Even if ve I mean we, must talk about the war...look at how much was achieved and how hard and long the MFers were to beat, man for man...
3 of the world's largest and most powerful nations/empires to defeat them?
how many *beep* times di they kick our asses sideways, sea, air, and land?
Ditto WW1, for that matter.

No, I am not German...paternal grandmother's mother was, that's as much of them as I where credit is due.
you want examples of worthless branches of humanity, they exist, they are not hard to find, but the Krauts would be an odd place to start.


This thread is like ww2 all over again except it's the keyboard edition. Well that's the internet for ya. The technological tool that gives us so many advances yet simultaneously degenerates us back to our most dankest state of humanity.


I must say that in this movie, I found the Americans to be portrayed mainly as vulgar, animalistic slobs and the Germans to be dignified, civilized, courageous and honorable.

Except for the bits about the SS officers hanging German civilians, if I was totally ignorant about the history behind WW2, I would have assumed Fury was a movie told from the point of view of "The Bad Guys".


You can cut and paste the text of German language reviews from Amazon into Google translate for their unvarnished opinions of the film:

SPOILERS: In short, many think the film is ridiculous because the Germans, especially in the final scene, are seen to be stupid and ineffectual. The fact that the American soldiers of the Fury were shown to be war criminals and one notable SS officer merciful seems to have enraged more viewers than it placated.


Don't "button count"

The war worked out the way it did. This is a movie. Accept it as it is.


EVERYONE who saw Kellys Heros KNOWS the only way a Sherman can take out a tiger is to 'Hit It In The Ass"
