TheUltimateHippo's Replies

I agree although being better than the force awakens isn't a high bar to clear In case you care I was disappointed by Dunkirk, his weakest film since insomnia. The dark knight rises is still amazing you fucking dipshit. Go watch the force awakens or Batman v superman again , they are much closer to your intelligence level. Exactly the main thing that hurt the prequels was the over reliance on CGI, if they had gone with actual sets, dubbed over jar jar, maybe got a different actor to play young anakin and rewritten some of the love dialogue the prequels would have been on the same level as the originals. The force awakens however would need to be completely ripped apart and changed into something completely different. Get a f-cking life you miserable loser. You do realize there is more to life than Full House right? I mean there are so many better things you could be doing than posting about some stupid TV show everyone stopped giving a sh!t about over 20 years ago, helping out at a homeless shelter, tutoring underprivileged children, picking up trash on the side of the highway. You are a sad, pathetic waste of life and I feel so sorry for you. I think in today's society it is just the "cool thing" to heap praise upon TFA and bash the prequels relentlessly. I didn't mind the midi-clorians either, in fact it never crossed my mind that they were a legitimate complaint until I read fanboy rants on the internet. My only real complaint about the Prequels was the over reliance on CGI, yeah it was blatantly obvious that those were not real sets and I kind of felt like I was watching Space Jam all over again. But I will take the Prequels over The Force Awakens (aka A New Hope 2015) or Rogue One any day. Also in The Phantom Menace there was no Empire, while in TFA we had Empire 2.0. Yeah Jar Jar Abrams just had to erase all of the progress the Rebellion made in the OT and just reset the galaxy to how it was in ANH because he was too damn lazy to do anything original. I know that I am probably in the minority on this but I find Rey to be more annoying than Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar was at least intended to be a joke, Rey is supposed to be taken seriously and I just can't. I have no idea what the point of her is, she can already do everything without breaking a sweat, she has nothing to overcome, she is perfect. I have a feeling that the PC police insisted they write her character that way to show that women are just as strong as men are, blah, blah, blah. Yeah I see what you're saying. On youtube one of the comments I read was "I never understood why people think Rey is a Mary Sue, I mean Indiana Jones always beats the bad guys and gets the girl so is he a Mary Sue" and that was probably the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. Indiana Jones has weaknesses, snakes being the main one but look at what happens every time he tries to bluff someone, he fails at it. Plus I'm pretty sure he gets captured every movie and doesn't always succeed, I mean he loses the idol at the beginning of Raiders, then gets the arc stolen from him and locked in the Well of Souls, then he gets the crap kicked out of him by the German mechanic, then dragged under a truck and then gets captured again on that Island, then he gets poisoned by Lao Che, gets captured by the Thuggees, gets voodooed, gets brutally whipped, gets turned into a mindless servant of the Kali Ma, gets the crapped kicked out of him again by Pat Roach's character and then trapped and cornered on a rope bridge, and that's just the first two movies. Indiana Jones is vulnerable, he has challenges he has to overcome, Rey does not because she is perfect at everything. I am a HUGE Star Wars fans and I noticed these flaws in the story immediately and it boggles my mind how everyone else didn't notice. I've noticed that Force Awakens fans are generally very stupid, either that or they are in denial at how bad this movie is and that it did nothing but remake the original. I didn't want an "homage" to the first three movies, I wanted a new story that built on the previous trilogy. I just love how all of the hard work the rebels did at the end of ROTJ all of a sudden means nothing because it suits the plot. Jar Jar Abrams was so creatively shallow that he had to reset the story to how it was in ANH because remaking ANH was all he knew how to do. So pathetic and stupid. Yes Luke defeated Vader who was portrayed as being far more advanced than he was, that's because Luke had to put some goddamn effort in and he actually got his ass handed to him the first time. And it took him 2 movies to make it up to that level. Rey was already an expert Jedi the minute we met her, there is ZERO point to her character she is already flawless at everything. She's a bland, lifeless character, she is a Mary Sue. The Force Awakens doesn't feel like Star Wars, it feels like a really really bad remake of A New Hope made by someone who is trying to be cool. No she is a Mary Sue, she is already the best pilot, she already knows how to do the mind tricks (something that even Luke couldn't pull off), she is already perfect with a lightsaber and defeated an experienced sith lord. Rey is a bland, emotionless character who is not vulnerable to anything, she is perfect, she is a Mary Sue. The Force Awakens is the EXACT same movie as A New Hope, it copies it plot point for plot point (much like how Home Alone 2: Lost in New York copied the original plot point for plot point), they aren't paying tribute to the originals, they are recycling it because people will go see it for the nostalgia and the fan service. He didn't ruin Jane's life, she chose to shoot heroin so therefore all of the blame lies with her. The kids chose to do crystal meth, Walt didn't force them to so ultimately the blame lies with them. All Walt wanted was to make sure his family had the money they needed after he was gone. I agree that some of the decisions in the prequels didn't work out very well but at least there was some goddamn effort put into it. I have never seen a more lazy movie than the Force Awakens. I would just call it fan fiction but that is an insult to fan fiction. How could no one realize it was A New Hope remake? I realized that 3 minutes in when Poe (aka Princess Leia/Wedge 2.0) put the map in BB-8 (aka R2-D2 2.0). I don't really consider this to be a Star Wars, I would call it a fan fiction but that would be an insult to fan fiction. That entire movie was terrible, ever since Disney took over the Star Wars franchise has gone to sh!t. Why the hell do you care? Get a life. Bodhi Rook, there is no way he was a pilot. Trump has been a great leader ever since he took office, he is truly a class act. The problem in this country is the left is so bitter and pathetic that they are actually willing to destroy the country so they won't have to admit they were wrong, you know making up BS conspiracy theories about him just to undermine him. It is really fucked up and sad. The economy hasn't been this good since the Bush years, President Trump needs your help and support and he needs everyone to come together but he unfortunately has a very stupid, uninformed and ignorant group of liberal haters that are actually willing to destroy the country for political reasons. He needs to get tough on the left, he needs to start calling them out on their nonsense and if they don't fix their behavior then the next step should be taken.