TheUltimateHippo's Replies

I will agree with you though, president trump isn't perfect, he is way too moderate for me and I think he should focus more on sticking it to the democrats and the media, however i think everyone will agree that he is way better than that dried up, miserable c-nt Hillary Clinton. Of course obama had a bigger turn out republicans didn't boycott his inauguration and didn't call him an illegitimate president, when the right loses we suck it up and move on, the left however pitches a fit and turns into a bunch of whiny crybaby terrorists who break windows and set things on fire. I'm sorry you all pooped your diapers big time on election night but you need to get a grip, accept the situation and give your president the support and respect he deserves. The republicans gave obama every chance possible yet obama treated them like dirt and divided the country for political reasons. I think you may be right but he definitely wasn't a pilot. I don't think he was a pilot. You should be supporting your president, he needs everyone to come together so that we can fix the horrible horrible damage Obama and the left did to this country. Your behavior is UnAmerican and as far as I’m concerned the left in this country is just as dangerous as ISIS. You are nothing more than a pathetic butthurt liberal who is throwing a temper tantrum because he didn’t get his way, cry me a river The dark knight rises is so amazing if I watch it I have to make sure I have 2 hours 45 minutes completely free because I can't start it and not finish. It's that awesome. I need to watch it again, I really want to know what this guys profession is, maybe if I pay very close attention I can figure it out. Don't think he was a janitor, Finn was a janitor but I was referring to rogue one, it's the guy who Forrest whitikar mind probed with the tentacle creature. Right because being nice to terrorists worked so well during obamas reign, idiot. You are a crybaby you are sad and bitter because we kicked democrat ass last November, we absolutely destroyed you, you can't do a damn thing now. Oh don't even talk about disrespecting women, Hillary is the one who takes money from scumbags like Harvey Weinstein and middle eastern countries that treat women, gays and lesbians like human garbage. And I'm sure you were on your soapbox when the left was making comments such as "I want to kick Sarah palin in the head so hard that she becomes as stupid as her retard baby". You do owe trump your respect, he is your president he is your leader and the way you are acting is not only childish but it's unpatriotic, if I were president your ass would be locked up. Crybaby loser bitch. One of the worst movies I've ever seen, yes it is worse than Phantom Menace I am a huge Nolan fan you might even call me a Nolanite, but I seriously could not get behind this film, no story, no characters just action sequences. I have heard every excuse in the book and none of them hold up. I wanted this film to be more psychological and it wasn't. It's not bad, but it's definitely one of his weaker films: 1) The Dark Knight Rises 2) Interstellar 3) The Dark Knight 4) Memento 5) The Prestige 6) Inception 7) Batman Begins 8) Dunkirk 9) Insomnia And I didn't see Following. And the left seriously tries to act like they aren't sexist. F-cking bigot Trump is going to be your president and you no longer have a say in it, learn some respect. You mean like the left said that they were glad that the people at the Las Vegas shooting got shot because country music fans are usually Republican? Or that Hurricane Harvey was gods way of punishing Texas for voting for Trump? He was never racist against non-whites all he said was that we have to secure our boarder like every other country in the world does, how is he putting us in danger? North Korea is run by a psychopath who would want to kill us with or without Trump? The "affordable health care act" sent premiums through the roof and is on course to bankrupt the United States, Trump is trying to prevent that. On the other hand Obama had record debts, record deficits, more people in poverty more people on food stamps than we have ever had, he created ISIS and caused the worst racial division I have ever seen in my lifetime. Face it, you know that Trump is a great president but you are so butthurt because you got your ass kicked in November than you are actually want America to fail so you won't have to admit you were wrong. Just face it, you are a loser crybaby liberal nothing more. Go find a cry room and learn to respect your president. All they have are made up conspiracy theories about Russia. I am begging the left PLEASE run Elizabeth Warren/Maxine Waters in 2020! I love watching the left in full meltdown mode, I really get off on it. Bunch of crybaby loser bitches. Trumps main priority should be putting the left in their places as they aren't actually human beings and making California and New York red states. Wow you have issues. Because he was a better candidate than that stupid bitch Hillary Clinton and he's doing a great job cleaning up the lefts mess of an economy/foreign relations they dumped him with. First of all we do care about jobs/economy and Trump has done a great job in repairing Obama's mess. Secondly "liberal tears" are important because they are actively trying to destroy the country for political reasons and they need to be put in their places. Apparently the left doesn't know what the 25th amendment is because they seem to think they can use it just because they don't like what another politician is doing. Stupid crybaby liberals, just go back to your cry rooms and let the mature adults clean up your mess from the past 8 years. I hate Force Awakens so much, yes it is worse than Phantom Menace, yes it is worse than the Holiday Special (which at least gave us a cool intro to Boba Fett). If the Last Jedi isn't something completely amazing then as far as I'm concerned the new franchise is beyond repair.