

I don't really consider this to be a Star Wars, I would call it a fan fiction but that would be an insult to fan fiction.



That was my reaction as well. It came off like a very well-funded fan film.


Its a form of fan fiction and also an homage to the first 3 movies.


I didn't want an "homage" to the first three movies, I wanted a new story that built on the previous trilogy. I just love how all of the hard work the rebels did at the end of ROTJ all of a sudden means nothing because it suits the plot. Jar Jar Abrams was so creatively shallow that he had to reset the story to how it was in ANH because remaking ANH was all he knew how to do. So pathetic and stupid.


All the real star wars fans wanted a new story but Jar Jar knew that wouldn't make Disney their billions. The Last Jedi has AT-ATs in it, come on for real man? Where I have I seen that before? I predicted nearly 2 years ago that TLJ would be a remake of ESB. And Ep 9 will be a remake of ROTJ where Rey and the rebels bring peace to the galaxy once again. Its pretty much written in stone.
