TheUltimateHippo's Replies

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo". I can't watch the Blu-Ray I have to stick with the DVD. I actually like the Endor battle , in fact I pretty love everything after Luke leaves the group to confront Vader. The first act with Jabba was entertaining even though it didn't serve much purpose, it's the second act that I don't like. There is a lot of dull, lifeless acting and when we run into the Ewoks for the first time the movie just stalls and nothing of interest is going on. Again I like ROTJ but it didn't seem to have the energy the first two had and there was a lot of kiddie nonsense that showed up that wasn't in the first two. I disagree, while I did know the basic way the prequels would end up they still surprised me. Some examples are: - Finding out who Luke/Leia's mother is - Where the Emperor came from - Why Obi-Wan ended up with Anakin's lightsaber - Why Vader has the wear the suit (also explaining why he hates Obi-Wan so much) - Where Owen/Beru came from Yeah the fact that Leia had to be rescued by Han and Luke was demeaning to her gender, women don't need any help from men, they can save the entire galaxy by themselves. I am going to make sure they restrict your internet privileges when you're at the program. Thank you for your appreciation. I am glad to know that I am doing some good in the world. Be sure to obey the staff and learn your place, they have a lot of work to do on you. Hahahahahahaha, or else what? Are you going to reach through the computer screen and punch me in the face? But in all seriousness that was a threat and I think I am going to recommend that you are confined to the psychiatric ward. I'm not trying to scare you, I'm trying to help you. There is more to life than Full House. Full House does nothing but paint an alternate reality world to the viewer where everything is happy, the world is perfect and any problem can be solved in 22 minutes. Life isn't like that, bad things do happen and sometimes it isn't OK. Watching this show has clearly turned you into a deranged loser and that is why I'm sending you to Strive. You need serious help bitch and I know where to send you, it's a program called Strive Bayside, they will medicate you and you will spend your days learning how to check out a library book, how to ride the bus and play I-Spy in the park. It is what's best for you. You don't need to waste your life anymore on Full House, I am going to fill out your Strive application and hopefully the van will be by your house sometime tonight to take you to the program. Please get help. Where your argument falls apart is that today I now recognize the flaws that the prequels have that I didn't recognize when they first came out yet even with the obvious flaws they are still enjoyable, TFA and Rogue One are trash on pretty much every level. Why didn't Disney just re-release A New Hope instead of making The Force Awakens? We would have seen the same movie in the theater and it would have saved them a lot of money. Not at all, I had a great childhood and I remember recreating the battles of the OT with my action figures as Star Wars was by far my favorite movie franchise. I unfortunately was not able to experience them in theaters as I was either not born or just a toddler. I thought the prequels were OK but even with their flaws they did add a lot of emotional weight to the O.T. so I am glad they exist. The franchise had ended on a high note until Disney got their hands on it and started ruining it. Soon there will be more bad Star Wars movies than good ones and the entire saga will become one big gay joke. According to my rankings it is the greatest #3 entry ever and the third best sequel (behind Empire and Godfather II). For me the worst third entry ever is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Well even though it was peaceful Bane and the LOS saw it as a corrupt city (which it kind of was in a way), but more importantly they wanted to full fill Ra's al Ghul's destiny which was the destroy Gotham as a way to honor him and avenge his death. That and make Bruce watch as his city burns meaning that all of his hard work over the past 15 years (7 before the events of BB and 8 between TDK and TDKR) was for nothing. I think you are also missing the point that Bane was leading "a gang of psychopaths". Well that goes without saying. TDKR was quite possibly my greatest theater experience ever and even now I get emotional every time I watch it. I have to be very careful every time I choose to view it because I have to make sure I have 2 hours 45 minutes to spare because once I start it I have to go all the way through. These are my 10 top movie rankings of all time: 1) The Empire Strikes Back 2) The Godfather Part II 3) Pulp Fiction 4) Apocalypse Now 5) The Dark Knight Rises 6) Raiders of the Lost Ark 7) Platoon 8) One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest 9) Interstellar 10) Titanic The Force Awakens on the other hand is painful to watch, I have only seen it twice but the second time I watched it (which was the first time on blu ray) it took me a week to finish. The characters are painfully bland, the story is a complete rip off of ANH, Rey is a Mary Sue, Leia is an idiot and Finn is more annoying than Jar Jar. And Starkiller base is the stupidest thing I have ever seen in a movie. The Force Awakens is my least favorite Star Wars movie: 1) Empire Strikes Back 2) A New Hope 3) Revenge of the Sith 4) Return of the Jedi 5) Attack of the Clones 6) The Phantom Menace 7) The Holiday Special 8) Rogue One 9) The Force Awakens Well I'm glad you are able to relive your glory days of when the original trilogy came out. I personally wish the current movies were actually good. You still enjoying your diaper fetish you worthless cunt???? I am a Star Wars fan, episodes 3-6 are some of my favorite movies ever. 1 and 2 while not great are still very enjoyable. I have HATED what Disney has done to the franchise, they took my childhood and took a huge, smelly dump on it This is the franchises last chance in my opinion. If this sucks at the same level as TFA and rogue one then I am done, the franchise is beyond repair for me The only time tony treated Stephanie like crap was the scene in the back seat. Tony at least was honest with Annette he didn't want a relationship with her but she just wasn't getting it. I still cannot get over the coffee shop scene, tony is trying his absolute hardest to keep the conversation going and all Stephanie does is make fun of him and make him feel awkward and yes Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeare I can't believe Stephanie didn't know that, that and her "I bet you didn't get no college" comment. No one in this movie was really a good person but I find Stephanie the most disgusting and the only person I think tony was legitimately mean to was Bobby. Again that may have been his intention but it doesn't make the movie good.