MovieChat Forums > fc31 > Replies

fc31's Replies

So he was waiting for people to kill him, and maybe even humiliate him or torture him before that, and you don't find that idiotic? What else? I was disappointed. I had high expectations after infinity wars, and this is a huge let down. Let's say you are a mob boss and you attacked a family but only killed half of it, left the other half trying to kill you. And you do that enough times. If you are all powerful that is OK, but as soon as you are not as powerful everyone will come after you. Thanos told enough people his plan but did not kill everyone witnessed it. If he is still all powerful after all that then that is hubris. But he gives up all his power, that is just stupidity. Thanos is many things but not a moron, but he was presented as such in this movie. A lot of people after watching the movie probably had a funny aftertaste. I think the first one is this. Why destroy all 6 stones? Destroy just one or two would have sufficed. The story if you think about it, is really stupid. And you think that is plausible, really? When you have as many enemies as Thanos, that is what you do. Get rid of all power and protection and wait for your enemy to kill you? Really think about it, does that mean sense? He has a huge army but none protected him. Totally logical and convincing, what a wonderful story. It still requires the power of all 6 stones, which Tony is simply incapable of wielding. In words of Thor:"Your bodies would crumble, as your minds collapsed into madness." and that is just his new hammer. Hilarious! I think you may have some form of mental illness so I guess I should be sympathetic. But I have no choice but put you on ignore list, so bye bye. I don't think you contributed anything as your responses are unintelligible. You clearly don't want to be part of this conversation so do yourself a favor and stop wasting everyone's time. Ancient one summoned Hulk before handed over time stone so Hulk not Banner held time stone, so I'd say they are all dangerous. I don't think you need that much knowledge, especially with power stone, also collector explained it. It is hard to say what she thought at that moment, but she could have killed herself in other ways, why the stone? Even it was suicide she would have killed collector if she could. Kawkeye held the stone with a glove, that did not count as direct contact. I think as long as there was no plot demand they were carefully avoiding breaking the rules they set. But all 6 stones? In Guardians of the Galaxy, the female slave of collector died without any harm to collector who she hated, if there was any chance she would have killed collector. Now we are talking about all 6 stones. I think the gauntlet is to hold the stones. Otherwise you have to hold them in your hands all the time and what if they slip out. It does make it more controllable in the movies, people can touch the gauntlet with stones and unaffected as long as they don't channel power of the stones. But I would say you have to contain and control the power of stones in your body, that is unavoidable. Ronan put his stone on his staff but he has to contain and control it's power to use it. Clearly not any idiot with a staff can use the stone. I think you misunderstood there. Tesseract and Loki's spear were not the form of stones, they are containers. There are arguments saying aether is a container as well, but that is less obvious and base on the nature of reality stone I think it is more of transformation power of reality stone. But that is just my theory. I did not read comics and I understand there are differences between comic books and the movies. But significantly more money is spent on the movies, so I would prefer at least the movie side of rules and logic are more complete. Obviously endgame is the movie they started to ignore their own rules to make the plot work. At least in most Marvel movies they are trying to get their rules and logic straight. To answer your question, clearly physical strength is the main requirement to carry the stones. Thanos and Hulk are the only 2 people can directly contact the stones without getting affected (Hulk held time stone from ancient one), all others, even powerful people like ancient one and Dr Strange but not physically strong avoided direct contact. Ronan directly touched power stone and was OK, but from the look of it, it did take a toll on his body. Clearly we are not talking about straight science here but I would have enjoyed it a lot better if they didn't have obvious holes in their rules and logic. Endgame I think is where all the stretching happens, not just that but all the time travels as well. No, I am saying no matter how you travel back you will create a new timeline. Because in the example I gave you, you can alter your original timeline, You don't have to alter it, just the possibility of altering it (or the fact there are two of you) means you already created a new timeline. To travel back to original timeline, when would be the entry point to make sure it is original? As I demonstrated before the wrong entry point clearly shows a new timeline, but the right entry point (just when you left it, or 1 second after you left, or 2,3?) means you created a new timeline but you just don't know it. Can you understand that? At least that is what appears in movies, I don't know much about the soul stone to agree or disagree with you. But if it can be used by others then that means soul stone once acquired is not going back. That implies that is the first time since the beginning of universe soul stone is acquired, that is a bit hard to believe. If, as you have asked, the owner's death would send it back then Hawk's death if happened could end the whole battle in the end. About aether, in movies Malekith directly extract and absorbed aether. Mjolnir did make aether solidify into many crystal fragments, but it returned quickly back into liquid form. Mjolnir's effect is not permanent, also not into one stone. So I don't think that was a practical way to turn aether into reality stone. Who to perform this magic? Please elaborate if you are serious about that answer. Also now you mentioned it, the part about iron man can withstand the power stone blast does not really make sense. That is the power to destroy a planet. It certainly destroyed the titan moon like a piece of cake. The iron man suit should not be able to take that blast.