MovieChat Forums > fc31 > Replies

fc31's Replies

That was not something obvious. You should at least elaborate your reasoning. It is very hard to tell how attractive the adults will be from when they were children. I think in the books Hermione was not supposed to be that pretty, should have been a bookish geek girl. So I think most people do think that was a mismatch, Hermione was very pretty and Ron not so much. Not to mention Hermione was an over achiever, Ron was average at best. Hermione was like a 9 and Ron was more like a 6. But books were already written so there is nothing can be done about it. Yeah, that is what bad guys do. Does not mean avengers will look good doing the same. You don't have to feel sorry for Thanos being executed. But try to walk in Thor's shoes, he would have felt much better if he had killed Thanos in a real battle. To be honest I think he felt much worse than he had shown, if he had killed Thanos in infinity wars, if he had just aimed at Thanos's head. He would have saved the universe, avenged his brother and his people and it would have been the most glorious moment of his life. But he failed and he probably blamed himself after that, and I think that was why HE executed Thanos (this time he aimed at head), and I am not surprised at all he became depressed, drunk and fat after that. Nobody felt sorry for Thanos, but attacking and killing Thanos when he was weak and defenseless was hardly epic or heroic. Especially when they made Thanos retarded, that was kind of insult to people died at his hands. But like I said before to progress to time travel plot there was no other way. But killing a defenseless person is neither epic nor heroic. To be honest, to me Thor did look a little bad when he cut off Thanos's head, at least that would not be something he can be proud of. But alas, it has to be that way. The plot demanded Thanos to be disarmed and to tell them the fact that he had destroyed all the stones. I don't think Thanos can be classified as insane or mentally ill, he was radical though, maybe with a god complex. But being radical has nothing to do with being stupid. I think he was stupid because the plot demanded it. Infinity stones have to be all destroyed to trigger the time travel plot and only Thanos can destroy them. Because with all the stones Thanos was god like and invincible and the plot just can't continue, heroes can't win. They can still have a more sensible plot like stealing the gauntlet, but I think in writer's mind that is just not as interesting, heroic and epic as time travel, at least not as long. So the writers have to make up a forced story in the beginning. And avengers just have to go on a suicide mission, how stupid were they to go against Thanos with infinity stones? Thanos can just snap his fingers and they will all be dead, but they went anyway? When Captain Marvel said:"Because before you did not have me". I was like how stupid was she? To be honest that looked much more like insanity. At least say something like:"Hey, we can steal the gauntlet first, we need an invisibility device". And when they attacked, Thanos's armor was hanged outside but he was still wearing the gauntlet, why? Because they have to attack and kill a weak and defenseless Thanos and writers don't want the heroes to look bad. I think that explains better why the story in the beginning was so forced and full of holes. Filter what? You mean to stop the stones from working? Like Hawkeye holding soul stone with a glove? I am saying any mediums such as staff, gauntlet or suit are only to hold the stones, so it won't fall off. It is the person has to contain and control the power of the stones. Ronan demonstrated that very clearly. And also his work is not done. Universe will re-populate itself in less than a millennium. He is an immortal, his work will need to continue. I asked the other guy before but he could not answer. So I ask again, why destroy all 6 stones? Why not just soul stone (control life and death) and time stone (prevent recovery)? When I don't care I will let myself go and eat whatever I want, but not exposing myself to various dangers. This kind of forced mentality is what I think is stupid about this movie. Ronan did that with his staff, but he still needed to absorb the stone's power to use it. You don't think anyone with a staff can use the stone, do you? Tony is not stronger himself because of the suit. If suit was relevant in anyway in this situation then Jarvis would be able to perform the snap instead of Hulk or Tony. I can see you will die defending this movie and try to find a narrative to make it sound plausible. I suspect there are many Disney employees here. But I have made my point, I think you are just pretending you don't understand. So he exposed himself by destroying the infinite stones and stayed there. Suddenly he is a moron. Earth technology is considered primitive in Marvel world. There will be too many civilizations can monitor such event and track him down. But that artificial heart is to power his suit, not himself. He is still an average person. To perform the snap I believe you need to house the power of all stones in your person, to achieve omniscience and omnipotence, then you can do whatever you want when you snap your finger. Not the action of snapping finger has any power. It is you as a being because the power of stones is omniscient and omnipotent. Tony is an average person I don't think his body can house that much power. That was my point. Too long I can take, but Thanos looks like a loser right after infinity wars I think many people will not feel right. Avengers are not his only enemy. His entire life is going around killing people. Not all are good people that would give him a dignified death. Many would probably go out their way to make sure his death is as humiliating as possible. The first one is what OP pointed out. Like I said I felt a bad aftertaste after watching the movie, but I could not yet pinpoint exactly what I was disappointed about. OP's post surfaced that feeling, made me notice how strange the beginning of the movie is really if you think about it. Thanos was so thorough, cunning and powerful in infinity wars, but killed like he was nothing, a buffoon in the beginning of this movie. That is just bad story telling. So you think he wouldn't care if avengers or someone else found him and shove a stick up his ass? Death he probably can take but what about humiliation? Is that really something you would understand? My own feelings were kept to myself, but OP echoed that feeling, so not just me.