Coleburg83's Replies

Pretty much anything from 2000 to 2004. Exactly. And it didn't work for me because the scientists were only there because of the "evil" company who spent decades trying to make a deal with the Na'vi and instead were attacked constantly and they held off on a direct assault until they couldn't wait any longer. And the scientists knew damn well what happen, they were warned and given more chances over and over again. He's following the Vinnie Jones path and accepting in part in every movie he can instead of waiting for good ones. Yeah. I thought they should have gone with someone younger. Plenty of better actors in the born in 1978-1980 range. Would have been more believable as her twin and the same age as Amy. It's not PC to hold the Sherpas accountable and usually their key role in the disaster is carefully avoided in the discussions, but having read several books and interviews with survivors on the subject, it's impossible not think their dereliction of duty on that day was the ultimate cause of all the delays and subsequent problems that resulted. Nothing to do with the cylinders, but them not doing their extremely important job that day and fixing the lines. Lopsang and Ang Dorje were supposed to work together and fix the lines before any of the teams had arrived, precisely to prevent the bottlenecks that occurred. They didn't do it and both repeatedly lied about the reasons and even tried to blame the leaders who had died. They changed their stories multiple times, but finally settled on saying the plans had been changed at the last moment by Hall and Fischer for some inexplicable reason and without telling anyone else, not even the other guides, despite the fact that both head Sherpas left on schedule with all the rope needed to do the job. It is utterly absurd to believe Hall and Fischer told them not to fix the lines and then were flabbergasted that they hadn't been fixed when their teams arrived. The Sherpas who had proven themselves to be very brave and skilled climbers didn't do their job that day and wouldn't take responsibility for it. Lopsang instead decided to short-rope Pittman for very unclear reasons, she didn't ask him to. Ang Dorje then refused to help fix the lines because Lopsang wasn't doing the work too. He sat around acting surly instead of helping during the bottlenecks. They clearly let their ego's and petty rivalry get in the way of doing their jobs. It's hard to see this tragedy happening if they hadn't been delayed by so many hours due to not having any fixes ropes before the storm came. It cost them such vital hours. I've never understood it. He looks like a toad. He should have won the Oscar over Hoffman. Hoffman's Capote and that movie are so overrated. But the Academy and the pretentious award show voters almost always gives the Oscar for a body of work over a performance. Which is bullshit and defeats the entire point. It's not a lifetime achievement award. Both him and Tom Hanks who was the favorite. All the result of corrupt Harvey Weinstein campaigning in Hollywood. What I found pitiful was the whole message that she's this out of control promiscuous girl and it's OK for Carlos to take advantage of that and have sex with her, but everyone else who wants to is loathsome. There's a lot of movies like that. I'm well-aware of that and it's absurd. It's literally the universe in danger and Ant-Man decided it wasn't important enough to get involved at the start. Which kind of makes everything else he does ridiculous. Yeah really subtle. I guess it only applies to people from other cultures as opposed to England exploiting Ireland or the Romans and the Greeks and etc... There's nothing subtle there. Nothing brave about it. The whole pro-Na'vi crowd were only on the planet due to the evil company in the first place who were dastardly trying to save the people of Earth. I certainly am. They said he would be in it. He was listed in the credits, they even released pictures of him on set filming and then suddenly he wasn't. The actor and director said he would be in it. That's false advertisement isn't it? But if HBO call tell their subscribers for three years that they are making Deadwood movies and then saying it's been delayed and then suddenly decide not to make them and not get in trouble for false advertisement, it's clear that that entertainment industry is exempt from the law. That doesn't work for me. Especially as he was advertised to be in it until it premiered. Bizarre how that worked out. Especially considering how much Ant-Man and Wasp sucks. Nonsense. The studio offered Cameron pretty much every leading man in Hollywood and he "begged for" Sam Worthington because he made him laugh at the first audition or something. Any leading man would have taken this role just because of the budget and Cameron being the director. Anyone, they could have even gotten Ledger to do this at the same time as The Dark Knight I remember reading. It was filmed during the same time period, but the live-action dates didn't conflict with The Dark Knight and Cameron was set on Worthington. Worthington later said it was because he was cheap, when Cameron had a quarter billion budget. Ode to Indian cinema It's television. Same reason Dany survived the first season. Dothraki culture is built around slavery, Ironborn culture is built around reaving. Both give up the most important aspect of their culture in one episode to push Dany's story. If his other stuff works, why wouldn't the wings? Oh man, he actually rides an ant with wings. Some have them and I highly doubt Hank should want to deprive Scott of the serious advantage of having wings against threats to the world simply because some ants don't. And it's not like wasps have blasters either. He didn't trust him enough to add wings to the suit he gave him to save the day. Yeah, makes sense to me.