ShogunofYonkers's Replies

jon is the 'hero' for sure - i love him but hes kind of a dummy sometimes but still...agreed! As far as ladies stepping in and winning the day for our heroes i dont mind it at all... Im usually a lonely type guy that likes to be alone...but the best people in my life are the women i know... And yup they annoy me no end ( crap -is there anything worse than your girl sitting you down for a 'talk' lol) BUT they do often seem to notice shit that us guys miss with all of our running around/fighting/fast-driving nonsense Not a 'girl-power' post cuz girls annoy the hell out of me as much as guys do but anyway... Nice to meet 'ya Xenario! Interesting I assumed she was def not fertile anymore because of that 'sheep-woman' and her tricky magic...but not a bad spin on things if youre right. Hmmm.. Maybe youre onto smthg... I have assumed that Dany, Jon and another certain someone would be the 'riders... Good thoughts Tex! Chekhov's dagger... Not bad! Yeah Bruno...dany and jon and another prominant figure could have been the 3 riders...i guess i wasted the last 4 years hoping for that to happen! Oh well... I would drive that to work every f'ing day forever Maybe ! But it also puts to rest some fan theories that each dragon would get a rider...'the dragon will have 3 heads etc...i dont wanna toss 'spoiler'/theories out willy-nilly but they are easy to find if you want them I think Varys is being straight with Dany...he was a Targ loyalist from the get-go so he seems pretty solid to me Vicky...that whole 'assassinate teenage Dany' thing from S2 aside lol... Hi Akshay Narcos is a good one Ozark is pretty good too Snowfall has some harrowing/violent scenes... All three are decent crime dramas imo The Wire is amazing tv if you like a long and entertaining binge-watch Id also suggest Game of Thrones if you enjoy good story and acting-plus this site has a pretty active community of decent posters on GOT board who like debate/discussion Enjoy! Hope to see you there 'Sam was not paying attention' Lol i get yelled at by wifey all the time for not listening ... Cant say i blame Sam cuz the ladies do seem to run on and on... Yeah that Witchy-woman did some magic to make Dany infertile because she was very rightfully pissed about the Dothraki rape-antics after battles...i think her clan were called 'sheep people' in the books and were frequently accosted and abused by the Dothraki hordes Cant say i blame her but was all pretty f'd up Tyrion seems to be an honest type... One of the 'big' moments for me was seeing his dismay when he saw the wreckage of the Lannister army after Dany attacked them...he chose a side and gambled everything but hes still ripped up seeing his house laid to no, i doubt hes being a double agent type He really seems a tragic/'heroic' figure to me Tae I think the casting was perfect I never heard of Harrington prior to this show but he plays the part EXACTLY like novel Jon Young, kinda dumb and uncertain about things but a real ass-kicker when things look bad, loyal to friends,honest etc He fills the Greek 'tragic/flawed hero' role perfectly Like this actor and the performance Yeah Jon is a 'leader' that shoulnt be-agree with that But he is a decent person, brave and heroic in battles and selfless in terms of 'lording' it over on other people I feel like he would be the ideal king and the casting was perfect imo Agree that the undead kidnapping was a dumb idea...and I would add that Jon should be back at Winterfell beating his lords and generals into line...he could go back to his fortress, slap a few whiney old men around and send out a few teams of rangers to do that suicidal crap for him But i guess Jon is supposed to be a naive sort... You were kinda close! Yeah right?? If my little brother knew everything id sit on him and punch his belly til he talked...but i guess its like Back to the Future or smthg...the guy that knows everything cant mess with current events..? I think NK has Brans number...Bran really screwed up with that dumb move...i thought Bran would be the NK killer for awhile but now not so certain Agreed ... This was horror done right! Check out Babadook and It Follows if you want some newer/scarey ones Jones Yup born there too but i moved out a short time ago Still pass through on my way to work in NYC everyday...nice place! I guess the fans dont like the writing so much now but im still on board...most fictional stories seem to rely on some crazy coincidence or other Tony