ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Lololol Agreed the hate must stop!! Lol ATeamreference followed by Walter White quote...well playd Fishpan:))) And yeah ill never forget the ATeam My best friend in 3rd grade almost beat my ass when i said i liked Happy Days more than ATeam lol...i probably deserved that beating but im a fast runner! Nice ATeam referance! Yeah i forgot about Brienne...she is a hard-headed one but certainly a good 'guy' As for Jon i feel hes (as you stated) a bit wishy-washy in the leadership department but id pick him first for my team Guts all day from Jonny-boy...he is the best of them all if we subtract his poor self esteem and loner qualities... I believe that Jon and Sam and Gilly and Sansa are all 'good guys' Even Jorah (who committed a crappy crime in his past and was a bit of a fool) is a very good guy Lets not leave out Davos who is worth his weight in gold...lots of good guys on GOT imo Saw Dirty laundry-it was good fun!! I enjoyed Frank being a beaten down/slightly alcoholic guy just tending to his boring chores and running into trouble...fine short film and ive seen a bunch of them Jane was really good too Loved the fight with 'The Russian' as They turned that second floor apt complex into a total disaster area!! Good shit imo! Real talk Gastonian Lootrock i have never 'net-met' you until tonight and i must say you raise some great points-that is to say im happy to 'meet' a smart and reasonable poster Also, i may not agree about the nuances you raise...that cold dead beast gives me the creeps and i wanna light a match to chuck on him...i do appreciate your opinion about 'others' Just this afternoon i read an article about North Korea which opened my eyes about the human reaction towards 'others' ( namely that a lot of our fears are horseshit and we all wanna avoid wars and deal with crappy leadership etc...) So i get you and thanks :) But the NK should still be killed I guess a lot of smart folks have very fair and reasonable points to make on this matter and yours is most welcome and appreciated by me. Having said that and with all respect to the opinons of others the Night King is marching a massive army of fast/runner zombies in the general direction of human civilization say he needs to be stopped and his host killed with fire. Unless any of the great debate masters out there can explain why an ice demon that turns children into other ice demons and raises human corpses to do his violent ravaging for him has some perfectly innocuous reason for his acts i feel he should be set on fire along with his horde. Afterward you can all hold hands and cry in a drum circle about your feelings. No offense...but f'ing c'mon man...that thing is a monster The comics give some back story to him(as in-issue short pieces) He was sort of a jerk prior to the outbreak...bully school teacher that was used to dominating little school kids/bad wandering husband/ ridiculously foul-mouthed/used his bully behavior to herd a bunch of dumb goons with guns into forming his first army... You can find the back story on line easily but it is less than remarkable Excellent post and agreed Fair enough Fishpan Maybe 'evil' is a word best left to theologians and other brainy-types... Semantics aside he seems to be coming (albeit very SLOWLY) to destroy the world of humans so...maybe we can agree that he needs to be cut down. I think shes great...really hoping she lives through all this! I did find her sparring session with Brienne a bit unrealistic but im happy to play along for the sake of a great story... Oh and feel free to try and give her that spanking Be sure to let us know how you wipe your ass without hands;) Most welcome! And come back soon...this board is real slow and needs help from smart/posititive posters! Pretty much agree... •Sandor still has a story arc to conclude •Jon...well hes going into the endgame then dies a great hero death •Tormund still has to try his moves on Brienn (and will get his ass kicked...but c'mon theyre totally gonna do it anyway;) •Gendry just returned AND has 'kings-blood' so he is needed for final season drama •love Jorah so i hope he dies in final conflict defending his crush/queen Dany • I think Beric and Thoros buy the farm next ep...which sucks cuz those guys are totally cool Nice reply...your words ring true- I guess i like when a hammer meets a nail best of all...seems most direct and real to me...but i appreciate your post Kane even tho deep thinking always seems a waste of time to me...anyway- Nice work! 'your'e stewed buttwad' 'thats it man-game over' Really liked this guy a lot Big loss. Or maybe she survives and returns to the House of Black and White as a trainer/Jaqen assistant til he passes of age and takes over? I doubt any of the creative types and suits wanna slaughter the Golden Goose just not worried about what seems a pretty typical showbiz legal affair Having said that 9 seasons would be fine by me Plenty of time to wrap it all up with a spectacular war against Negan and then restart civilization ( massive agriculture/military/secure trade routes etc) Love this goofy show but sometimes enough is enough ... when Daryl straps on waterskis i think Ive reached my limit Sorry for super late reply... Anyway, did you continue? I just finished the whole thing S1 was low budget but enjoyable S2 ramped up the budget/extras/fight coreography S3-S4 were occasionally wonky in terms of story telling (dumb motivations/constant serial adultery amongst principal players/brainless plot developments) but finished very strong imo Eager for further sailing hijinks and hope everyone is finished with the backstabbing/spouse-hopping /soap opera stupidity lol Cool Fass has a new XMen coming out but otherwise might be available to play a brief role as hes very in demand... Sigourney is great/all time star level-shes in The Defenders on Netflix and still looks beautiful Ill ponder some more...hope others join in!