MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > A dagger with a role to play (theory)

A dagger with a role to play (theory)

Did i see correctly that Arya gave Sansa the dagger she got from Bran/Three eyed Raven?

I haven`t read the books or gone really much into different theories or lore, or followed the series that into details, but I`ve heard of Azor Ahai and this flaming sword called "lightbringer".

Can lightbringer actually be this dagger and not a sword?

I am asking what you think since I don`t know much about the lore, but I thought of it just because we saw this fight with that flaming sword north of the wall in the same episode Arya gives Sansa this dagger in a chilling scene.

Isn`t that the same the all-seing past-and-furture mister three eyed Ravan aka Bran gave Arya.
The old epic dagger which no one knows the original name of and that of top of it all was used to try to kill Bran and started this whole war in the first place.

It would be poetic if the same dagger that started the war was the same dagger that ended it (as Bran knew when giving the dagger to Arya). One thing seems certain, that dagger seems to have a role to play if its the same dagger that has followed us all the way from early season 1.

If it`s not the lightbringer and the bane of that "White Walker king", maybe it`s what Sansa needs to protect herself, and in doing so killing Littlefinger if/when he turns on her for more power?


Chekhov's dagger...
Not bad!
