MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Guest Actors you'd like to see in Season...

Guest Actors you'd like to see in Season 8

We've had greats like Max von Sydow, Dianna Rigg, Ian McShane, and Jim Broadbent, just to name a few. Are there any actors you'd like to see worked into the final season?

I'd like to see Rutger Hauer and Malcolm McDowell.


I would love to see Gary Oldman in it.. I just hope it's more of an Olenna type role than a pointless Ed Sheeran cameo!


If they got him on the show, I doubt it would be a pointless cameo. In fact all pointless cameos have been music stars, the ones I mentioned had significant roles so he'd be given something good to do. Given his affinity for doing roles requiring makeup, he'd be a good white walker, although that would mean no dialogue.


That would be good.. and he does have form for making these appearances (Friends)... I think he would make a great white walker!


Perhaps if they recasted the role of the Night King again, he could play him. In fact if he wanted to play the role they definitely would. I know with the role of The Three Eyed Raven, they were just toying with the idea of getting Max von Sydow and when he said yes, they immediately recasted the character with him.


They've made some great casting decisions. I could imagine Gary Oldman in a role like Meryn Trant.. a bad guy is probably more fun and seems to be his speciality!


I wished they kept Ian McShane around longer.


Actors: Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Antonio Banderas, Andy Serkis, Jeremy Irons, Alfred Molina.
Actresses: Cate Blanchett, Judi Dench, Helen Mirren, Kerry Condon, Carey Mulligan, Abbie Cornish.
Make it happen!


Hell yes to Jeremy Irons and Dame Judi Dench!


Hell yeah
Lots of good ones being thrown around!


Great post!
•Ray Stevenson
•Cillian Murphey
(Both would make awesome one ep wildlings...then cool deaths)
•Ian McKellan (if there are any older guy roles left)
•Mads Mikkelsen (he cant work enough imo)
Lets keep this thread going!!!


Good calls

I seem to remember Ian McKellen saying in an interview that he wasn't interested in doing Game of Thrones but those others would be great too.


I think probably Ian McKellan thought it would be too similar to Lord of the Rings?


At the time maybe or he may just not want to do another foray into fantasy in general. That was definitely the reason why he didn't accept the role of Dumbledore.


How about some more Shakespearean trained actors, preferably some with experience in fantasy/sci-fi?

Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Kenneth Branagh come to mind.


*ser lol


Now that I think about it, Patrick Stewart would have been the perfect replacement actor for the Night King. The NK was portrayed by Richard Brake in seasons 4 and 5 and then replaced by a stuntman named Vladimir Kulich who had also played a WW general in season 5. I think most people prefer Brake as the NK because he just looked creepier especially in Hardhome, but he wasn't available for season 6. Patrick Stewart has the same angularity to his face that Brake has. I think he would have been the perfect replacement. In fact someone write to HBO and tell them to recast Kulich with Stewart for season 8.


Ron Perman is always cool as hell and work his ass off for a production like a pro
Thomas Jane can do good action too (ie Punisher was fun) plus women find him appealing


Ron Perlman would be cool. I can't believe they are making a Hellboy movie without him but I suppose he's too old at this point and you can't reboot a franchise with the same actor.


Sadly no....
But he could do a cameo as a military scientist working with the new Hellboy?
Sorry...i just love callback cameos in reboots lol!!


Oh I agree, they'd have to work him in there somehow. Even a large supporting role would be nice.


Liam Neeson would be cool too


Wish there were a few more seasons left


As a faceless man. "Speak a name. I might not know who they are, but I will find them and then I will kill them"


Ha, perfect


Awesome Winslow!!!
Now i gotta rewatch Neeson lose his whole goddam family three times all over again :)))


Too bad William Smith is 86 now...
He could have been Tormund's big bro
I love this thread


Not impossible. Max von Sydow was 87 when he played the 3 Eyed Raven and he's still going strong


Arnie should play the night king and say "Ice to meet you".


Brian Cox- hes great in everything and he reportedly regrets saying no to GOT in the past (throw him a one ep role as a heroic/killed off Northern general!

Julia Garner- the best part of the very enjoyable Ozark...and such a charismatic loves her

Note: Leo Woodruff must return as Howland Reed ... Hes the right height/build for the Crannogman Lord and i really hate all the re-casts


Only familiar with Brian Cox but good call.

I'd throw out the idea of Michael Fassbender and Sigourney Weaver


Fass has a new XMen coming out but otherwise might be available to play a brief role as hes very in demand...
Sigourney is great/all time star level-shes in The Defenders on Netflix and still looks beautiful
Ill ponder some more...hope others join in!


I just watched all of The Defenders and all I'll say is that she's still a great actress and did the best she could with what they gave her to work with. But it was a squandered opportunity given the hype around her character.
