ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Dragging out the big guns i see... Yup that was a fine one I gotta dig deep now...back at ya soon! I really like Tom and many of his movies Hes like Smith or Willis...a top seller that falls flat sometimes...and some of the personal stuff is a bit odd...fair enough Brux I honestly dont care about his spiritual feelings...this guy is all win all the time and were gonna be watching his stuff for decades to come...Go Tom!! Ha! Nice and well played Frog🐸 All of them Yum Nice!! Yup...youre as crazy as i am Glad i met you😅 Its pretty great Kind of a classic imo Hope you can find it over there buddie Its really well produced and many of the former casts appear to comment Well done docu for Friday fanatics...see it asap if you have not already Running a must have seen some sketchy stuff lol Yeah Glenn was amazing and Poolhall was pretty good too Rule of thumb: if Walken is in it i gotta see it Love that maniac! Actually thats a great point!!! Milius wins this whole thread i Oh awesome Conans daddy was the best Too bad his weakness was scary dogs:( You son of a gun You got me on that one lololol That there is a winner So many great ones man... So amazing THIS is why we watch movies Nice post I enjoyed Rio quite a bit but Jackie was pretty much perfection imo And that romance that never came to fruition...might be Q's best but that is certainly debatable... Thx! William Smith/Enigma of Steel speech/Conan '82 Spine meet chills...considering how baby Conan gows up...That guy was a great daddy... Terrific movie and a great post!!! Unfortunately i wasnt any of them...but i hope it takes off cuz its got legs Cheers Daisy🍻 Yes! Nice one... Supposedly Rutger rewrote the original (and sort of lame) lines just prior to the shoot That is a great one! I heard Brando showed up on set very overweight, aggressive and unaware of the original dialogue in the script and he just ad-libbed much of it...its a haunting scene that ill never forget Ha just replied to ya' Never mind and thx gonna scoot my rugrats off to bed soon and rewatch both Thx dude! Much respect How! Im in garage with my little guy now but when sonny goes to bed im gonna rewatch that glorious performance...did you love the Walken lion speech as well? Its pretty goddam boss too! On Youtube...