ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Perfect! Yeah...VH was from an earlier time And BOY did they have the hair! 1. Duff McKeegan 2. Mansfield 3. Cinderella Oooh...LA Guns...good stuff! Haha forgot about that one! * 'Not wise or awesome enough' And yes...they will do just fine you crazy dame Unfamiliar with his career But RIP Gord! Stop whatever it is youre fast and take chances out to the it tonight alone and without distractions... Rewatch it tomorrow... You will come back to thank me GO!! 'Weirdness for the sake of weirdness' Life IS pretty weird and people are so random tho...often we never get an answer and it eats at us... I STILL wonder about oddball moves people made in front of me many years ago! I get what you mean but c'mon...people can be really weird I thought this was part of the charm of the show...seemed realistic to me Fair enough...good points i just like to leave well enough alone as a rule I usually find something entertaining in all of them tbh...EVEN Batman v Superman lol What can i say...some nights i can watch a Schindlers List and be amazed at the power of film AND some nights i grab some beers and watch an AntMan...most people i know really dig these corny super-movies gonna see them all ! I love these superhero/action flicks Including the DC ones even tho i wasnt a big DC fan as a kid Im betting im not in the minority Hmmm...thats a good comparison The Boss that eventually became everybodies bugaboo...not bad! I may steal that;) He was none other than R Kane... THAT guy is a scoundrel i tell ya! I agree with your thoughts But im still annoyed with his tweaks of the OT THAT was really bad stuff imo He was a huge loss!! What a waste... 44 Since High School Oh yes...lots! Nope The rest are sweeties! Thx pal Lol...put an arrow in the big black one...hes a real bastard!