ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Hmmm...i bet this is one of your tricks... Pretty great list right there! I loved the music but thought the film was a bore Not at all...i shave everything👍 The leadership DOES seem pretty intense and difficult... Maybe some people need that...idk Its a bit weird and interesting tho... I just ignore everyone... Mostly just talk to myself Im ... Amusing enough i guess Did you put that puzzle together yourself??? You are really bright Yes indeed Hope were heading in that direction!! Dunk and Egg!!! Yassss! oh you!!! Wouldnt know a masterpiece if it nipped your pinky finger!! Keep watching and hush...your annoying the other movie-goers!! Hmm...not sure that was me...YOU are a floozy! I can appreciate a decent floozy... Lol...i knew i saw you around before! And ill give you $17 but only if its autographed! I have mixed feelings about this ...belief system i guess... I met a young woman who was into it and she was a total one would expect... Yet Tom Cruise is rich, fearless, world famous and regarded as a decent fellow...if a bit kooky I dont know hownos...i think im just gonna accept them and let it go... Stop ruining awesome stuff with your observational skills!! Sheesh...pain in the neck Oh you are a real firecracker!!! I think its safer just to read the book about it and stay away from crazy broads...thats what mom always said... Yup Regular punching bag... I think you took a few shots at me you bully woman!! probably started the whole thing you maniac!!! Thx:) I get beat up a lot... Exciting...are you nuts!?! I got a shiner!! Ha! Yup Brux means business...dont get on his bad side or youll get beat up like i did:/ Careful!! Youll be put on ignore like i was:..(