ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Yes!! My thoughts exactly...keep an eye on this one!! :))) no worries I know right!?!youre my only get me:) ^doing it right!! The galactic celebration at the end was horrible.... jabba's band was pretty stupid too..:( Never question the HAT we are all the HAT and HAT is everything Wow Im very sorry to hear that. Best wishes tho...there are just so many lousy work stories... I hear you...'the airing of grievances' goes wrong every year...somehow im always the jerk if you can believe it:( Wow...sorry to heat it... The special needs clients certinly deserve better! As do you...i hope it works out and enjoy jealous! Nice! Being boss must be cool... You deserve a card though my good man Ill send one during Festivus season;) Sounds like THAT was fun...sorry i missed it! Yes...AT LEAST 141 centimeters if my math is correct... at work=bad idea My work freinds screw each other...but im married and very busy...not my thing at all... Sounds like youve done quite well! Cheerrs and thx for sharing hombre! I soooo love this brilliant comedy show The whole family turns up to watch whenever it comes on Cant get enough of that fun Stamos fellow!! Thoughts guys..? Lol...thats pretty nuts!! Good one ... Brothel ... Sheesh id be too scared:o Hmmm... Interesting...workplace sex is probably a bad idea...i never did that Best to keep 'it' in your pants at the office!! BTW...not certain of your gender...just talking 'in general...' Lol yeah...sooo stupid:) Yet for some reason i stiill enjoy it... Sorry about your medical problem Sounds scary as hell! You are not wrong pal! sir are a nut!! I tend to agree with you CGI is great for big superhero or Star Wars type movies... BTW a movie called To Live and Die in L.A. had one of the most insane car chases ive ever seen...LA freeway, hundreds of cars, real amazed every time i see it