UpSideSunny's Replies

[Spoilers in this comment] I totally was thinking GOT turned into a zombie movie in episode three. I loved - LOVED - episode 3. There were things that didn't make sense to me, like where Arya came from when she was "interacting" with the Night King at the end of the episode. There was no way for her to get to him unless she could negotiate her way through the undead and the Whites. I choose to believe that she used a face, and I wish they showed that, but then again, if it was shown it would take away the impact of that moment. I'm gathering my thoughts about it all, so I am not committing to anything yet. Cool, will do. Yup! Same! Cerseii will be present until at least the first 4 episodes. You can confirm this on her twitter account. From there it is kinda wishy washy. Ugh, you aren't helping being all reasonable like that. I am trying to stay awake for Game of Thrones, but it's only airing in 2 hours where I live. Meh The bright light from his monitor that isn't on? Help me out here! This is not obvious at all. This is a fan theory, Where would you find a stuntman built as big as him? Lannisters always pay their debts. And one bag of gold pays less than Jamie would, including the castle Jamie promised him after the bag of gold and the end of the war. Would be cool if OP could have elaborated a bit more. Weren't like almost half of the central cast cylons in Battlestar by the end? But, I get what you are saying, they are humanoid. It can't be budget related since, you know, Disney. Yeah sorry, I thought for some reason it was netflix release. I see it is being released in cinemas at the end of the month where I live. Season 1 was definitely the one that shook me the most. I thought Ned Stark was going to be around for the whole series, and when he died I knew nobody was safe. I hadn't read the books until then. Season 1 stands out for that reason for me. I don't really know which one is my favorite in comparison to others, but season 1 is up there, and season 7 probably lower due to how rushed it was. That being said, even the worst season of Game of Thrones is better than anything else that could reasonably be compared to it. It is one of the best shows I have ever watched and I am super excited to watch season 8. Another way of putting it is depth, and this show creates a world where everything feels lived in, and it feels as though it has history and authenticity. Such a rare thing. I will be very sad when it's over. I second Gothica. Awesome movie. Watch it OP. You also forgot to mention how LOOOOOONG this movie is. Damn, that's just depressing. Is it confirmed he won't appear, or is it just assumed at this stage. You can also watch the first episode for free at the time that I'm posting this... depending on where you are obviously. He can't give you the figures for the sales in merchandise because they aren't public, but I think it is fair to assume they are substantial. I'm really hoping for a force ghost Mark Hamill. *holds thumbs*. He is listed in the cast though... so there is hope.