
So I was looking forward to this movie when I saw the trailer.

Watched it tonight.

Just so so so so boring.

The acting by Costner and Woody is good but besides that there is no other redeeming factors to the movie.

It’s just a long movie that just exists. It doesn’t really show any real excitement or really tell an interesting story.

We only see the briefest of moments where Costner’s character shows off his skills in terms of figuring things out. There’s no real back and forth between Costner and woody to really show why they are working together besides them being old partners even though that vibe isn’t there.

Bland. That is the best description of this movie. Even when shooting happens somehow even that is boring.

There was potential to create a really good movie here. But once again Netflix drops the ball and we end up with something that it’s a compliment to call it mediocre.


You also forgot to mention how LOOOOOONG this movie is.


The only thing I agree with is that the acting was good. Aside from that, I didn't find it remotely boring, and it didn't feel long to me, either.


I appreciated the patience, especially in today’s Hollywood of hollow, noisy spectacle, but I agree that it was dull at times. The opening and closing action scenes were entertaining, but the two hours in the middle needed more drama, more character detail.


Agreed. Like you can have slow burn movies where nothing exciting happens that are still captivating and draw you in.

This movie though didn’t give us any of that. There was no good conversations between the two mains even though they spent all that time in the car together. There wasn’t a lot of detective work happening except for specific moments that were over quickly.

It had a lot of potential but like a lot of Netflix movies they drop the ball.


I agree with Tony the Tiger and he says it's GRRRREEEAAAAT!!!


I second that. It was extremely boring.


I liked it well enough. Costner and Woody make a good pair of retired men trying to make sense of their old years. Unless you see the story from the perspective of two retired men, you won't be able to figure out what the story is about. It's a buddy road movie with some shooting involved.


This movie was excellent in every way. There are superhero movies out there for the audience that wants a chase, an explosion, or a quotable funny line every few minutes.
