UpSideSunny's Replies

Amazon Prime That's so unnecessary. Jeez man, lighten up. It's the internet. To be fair, I am 36 years old and although I go to the dentist once a year due to my medical insurance, I have no fillings and I am fine. I do get my teeth cleaned every 6 months though, but it is not unforeseeable that someone could be 15/16 and not have crooked teeth and huge cavities. I'm just saying it's not that implausible. Edit: come to think of it I didn't even have dental until I was 21 and started working. Why are you watching a genre that you don't enjoy? Please know this is predomniantly for kids. And the kids in my life love this type of stuff. It is not meant to be for old jaded grownups, and for that reason if you choose to watch something like this and not simultaneosly suspend all disbelief, then you won't enjoy it.. But again, why watch something you don't enjoy? And why must they stop making it when clearly other people do want to watch it? What does it take from your life if other people enjoy watching something that you have the option of not watching or posting about at all? Do you mean they must stop making it so other people can't watch it? Well, that would just be silly. And why would I say "could care less"? It makes no sense. "Couldn't care less" means there is no possible way for me to care any less. "Could care less" says I have a level of care that could be diminished. For example, I couldn't care less about your opinion since you are watching a genre of movies that you don't enjoy and could do literally anything else with your time. If she had nothing to do with her parents' actions, this is really sad to hear. I find mediocre is the best you can hope for with netflix movies. Thank you! I am going to watch Counterpart soon, per your suggestion in another post. I'm afraid if you look at this movie too closely, like other movies during its time, you will be disappointed. Stretch your disbelief as far as it can reach and just roll with 90's movies. It wsas such a fun time, but if you want logic or reason this is not the place to find it! No I didn't, but I would totally watch an "Umbrella Corporation" show. Could be very cool. I'm still confused. So he had to kill people of the species he's trying to help, to find the right one of the species to give it to? This movie makes my head hurt. Haha. Thanks! Please don't. I think people also forget how cringe-worthy and camp the Roger Moore Bond movies were. I still love it. Bring on the cringe. It was bad, but not A View to a Kill bad. For example, it doesn't take you to the horse races for 40 minutes which are ultimately completely irrelevant to the plot, so it has that going got it, which is nice. But yeah, still bad. Edit: And you just reminded me of the turd that was Tomorrow Never Dies. What a piece of shit lol This show was definitely one of the (if not the best) exercises in dramatic horror in television for decades. I pretty much agree with everything you said. It is continuing as an anthology series to a second season and I am very interested to see where it goes. Do you have a link to the SNL skit? Didn't even know Counterpart existed. Will definitely give it a watch. Just looking at the cast I can see it is worth watching. Thanks. Oh boy, I came here to make a similar post. I am loving the show, but he was the worst choice for this role. I loved him in the office, but now playing an action hero, I think he looks like a christmas elf. I have absolutely nohing against him as an actor, and absolutely loved his last movie, but I'll be damned - I can't take him seriously in this roll. Perhaps other people may feel differently, but I can't get over it.. My suspension of disbelief does not accept him as Jack Ryan. And I feel bad saying it because I enjoy his other work.. This was just bad casting in my opinion. If you enjoyed it though, I am happy you did. I wish I could too.I am still a fan of his, but this round I am going to opt for a hard no. Yeah, the narrative is tightly packed. I can see where you are coming from. I just finished watching the first season and it is easier to follow what's happening if you can watch it in it's entirety in one go, like I did. There are a lot of plot points that are thinly addressed, if addressed of all, but I get what your saying. The plot is very thick for the amount of episodes there are. I don't know why people are giving you grief for merely airing your opinion.. Although I loved the show, I think you are right in that respect. We are planning to watch 12 strong or Hostiles over the weekend. Do you recommend 12 strong? We liked Den of Thieves. Are they similar? It is between 12 Strong and Hostiles (which I know little about).