UpSideSunny's Replies

Thanks. I changed the title of the thread. Your answer to the second question, is that "head canon", or was there something in the movie addressing that issue? I can't remember. I just want to add to Batty67's post above about your first question OP. He/she is 100% percent correct as confirmed by the director. See here: It is that exact scene narrated by the director. Batty67 has it spot on. Edit: The link was one that I pulled from my history, it might be someone else's post on here that led me to it initially. If so, credit to that person. I just remembered it and pulled the link from my history. I am with vicious2377 on this. OP asked a legitimate question about the movie. I think a huge part of what makes this movie so great is him playing his character so deadpan and the quirky way he portrays his character's conviction. I can only imagine how much they must have laughed behind the scenes. The other actors were good, but Mark Duplass definitely stole the show. Charming and quirky is the best way to describe it. I agree it's not a 10/10, but it was such a fun movie. I think this is the best explanation. It fits the narrative perfectly. I stand by my opinion, but I see there is another post about it with some really positive comments. Who knows, it might appeal to you. This just wasn't for me. That could be a possible explanation, but she obviously must have some control over the other two. Consider that the dragons are traveling with her army and not frying them alive. They are also flying openly around DragonStone. When the house of the undying attempted to steal them she also controlled the dragons. If she could do it then, it raises the question why she can't do it now.