UncleRuckis's Replies

Hunting and killing anyone could be satire depending on the script. This movie is definitely satire. Well the 125 pound girl was a Marine and Iraq war veteran. Not a stretch to assume that person would be the ass kicker amongst a bunch of rich clowns and right wing chickenhawks. As far as the rich peoples skills, had you seen the movie, you would know that they apparently had trained for the better part of a year for this little hunt. Not saying that amount of time could turn them into seal team six level warriors, but it would certainly make you competent enough to hunt down the idiot goons shown in this movie. I don't know why you think a bunch of random people in flyover states would automatically be a bunch of Rambo's in this situation. There is a world of difference between occasionally shooting at the range or hunting deer vs waking up in an unknown situation where you are surrounded by landmines, punji sticks, C4 rigged booby traps, and a bunch of people with superior firepower shooting at you in an open field. Most people trained or not would probably die under these conditions. Jesus, you are insecure! A drink Bill Cosby would be proud of! Lol you just described my Zombie survival plan. I live in Colorado, and while I hate Wyoming, it's exactly where I'd go if the shit hit the fan. There are hardly any people, the little towns would probably hunker down and fortify long before any major threats approached(get in early while they are still friendly) and the snow in the winter months would nullify any zombie threats. That area would be a paradise in TWD universe. I wish he was a criminal sociopath. I'm on episode 2 and he's pissing me off with his soft-hearted approach to Nazi war criminals. He's clearly not built for that life. You can describe Gordon? Does your description go any further than "white guy"? Because between the cartoons, comics, and various movies, we've seen him be old, young, middle aged, red head, brown hair, black hair, white haired, fat, feeble, damned good shape, have two kids, have one, have none, be married to various women, and sometimes glasses. But by all means describe exactly what Gordon looks like. LMAO your assumption is spot on! My bad! Maybe portal gun fluid is hard-ish to come by and if he's in a situation where it runs out, he'd be fucked, whereas he has a whole micro-verse full of slaves powering his car. Just a thought. So even though Republicans control 2.5 branches of government(all 3 up until recently), have stacked the courts with decades of Trump cultist, and celebrate the fact they put children in cages, it's the other side that's the evil empire? Wow! Just wow! Janeway is #1! I love Marvel movies and I love Scorcese's films, but the Irishman was just long and boring. DeNiro and Pesci were great in their day, but watching them play mobsters at this age felt like watching Magic and Bird play one on one in 2020. yeah I started it and wondered how long was Aflek going to ramble on with this pointless story. Yeah you'd think Force healing would be a day 1 intro to being a Jedi course. And I don't buy for a second that it's some lost discipline, when Force ghost who can teach the living new techniques are very much a thing in this universe. "Darth Vader wasn’t Anakin Skywalker. " Seems like a semantic difference at best to me. "Has the whole redemption thing gone over your head then? " In what way did he redeem himself exactly? I mean other than not killing his own son(or Anakin Skywalkers son if were claiming he and Vader aren't the same person) what exactly did he or Kylo Ren do to wash the oceans of blood off their hands? I'm guessing pushing the emperor down a shaft won't mean much when he's walking around Force heaven and runs into those younglings he wasted. "He died as the same man he was before the Dark Side made him Vader. He was already Vader and with the Dark Side when he murdered the young Jedi in ROTS." So...was it Vader who also slaughtered those sand people women and children? Or was that okay since they didn't speak basic and therefore had no value? " It’s nothing like trading Hitler for Stalin. And Stalin wasn’t in the same category as Hitler anyway. " On that we agree, but only because Stalin had a much, much higher kill count. Yeah, but Anakin Skywalker helped murder the Jedi and caused the deaths of probably billions. Its like trading the name Hitler for Stalin. Yeah, but the name Skywalker has more blood on it than a thousand Hitlers, so this isn't exactly a step up. If they haven't read the book or seen any of the 3 movies they already made, they shouldn't be on this board. They deserve to be spoiled if they're here. I didn't get that either. So he willingly chose to be a beast of burden forever? He can't talk so it's going get damned lonely and his only real option for companionship would be to bang other horses(gross). Like others have said, just switch into the rock or even the redhead.