UncleRuckis's Posts

Went to play Paintball with coworkers and we played a Squid game version of red light green light Great show that weirdly makes me want to check out soccer Synopsis is a bit misleading Foods they would use to torture you good luck convincing your wife you didn't bang a sheep It's been 20 years and even this show was only 1 season Why not just send everyone to the past permanently They should do an Endgame thing in the next one Stupidest criminal on the planet(spoiler) So these dumbass miners(spoilers) The supply crate (spoiler) Never trust anyone in a Zombie apocalypse Oh that sneaky little Bruha! (spoiler) Why bring males at all? I could see why the bad guy went a bit nutty Lol the movie Chat homepage trending section had this guys mugshot next to the Spiral poster! Reminded me of Saw 6, where you didn't feel too bad for the "victims" So it's been possible this entire time for souls to get of hell and into heaven? Halliday was a cheating SOB! The Heist was 100% pointless!!!