ItalianBuju's Replies

I personally like entertainment that mirrors the real world. All of the above mentioned things are real world issues. Also, if the person wants a vagina, as stated in the OP, that would make them a trans woman, not man. Thank you so much for clearing that up! Did you enjoy the original? Oh I am excited for both those hosts!! Not at all, not even slightly. Both are great movies though! I am hoping it wins! I really enjoyed it. My second choice to win would be Call Me By Your Name. I totally agree! Especially about Frances McDermand deserving that award! I do hope he can find some peace now that he never could in life. Don't forget, psychopaths are created, not born (the vast majority of the time, and in Charlie's case for sure). I really liked the twist in Frailty! Why didn't you like that one? If These Wall Could Talk 2 Boys Don't Cry Kids Party Monster I don't know if it was the scariest, per se, but the one episode that never left my memory was Final Escape. Yes, harder than I should have maybe! Define "urban" All of this, exactly! I have actually liked all the seasons so far. Roanoke would have been better without the finale, if they ended it the week before, that would have been better. I have only watched episode one so far, but really liked it! I believe it is called Trumpism "Foreign people don't make many good movies." This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read. If you truly think that, then I suggest you start watching more foreign language films, horror or not. Start with "The Skin I Live In" I absolutely loved the new Pennywise. Just his make up and costume alone was amazing. I think he played the part just as well as Curry. That is far from the only strange sex scene he wrote. He has a brilliant mind for the unusual, sometimes it includes sex. It doesn't mean he has desires that are unnatural or anything. He writes a lot about death and murder too but doesn't go around killing people.... I loved that character so much!