MichaelPacino's Replies

1. The garbage pail kids movie 2. Beauty and the Beast 2017 3. Jack and Jill 4. Bio-Dome 5. Phantom of the opera 2004 Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I'm seeing how I need to rework my paragraphs. Thank you for taking the time to look over my post! Look, yes i get it, the movies are different, but we compare art as a whole. "Apples to oranges" well, one may prefer the other fruit over the other, but they also have strong points on why they think the other fruit is better than the other, despite being different tastes. Movies are the same way; Just because they don't deal with the same issues, or topics, it doesn't mean they can't be compared on which movie is better than the other. That's how critics have been judging movies for years, and that's how art is judged. Juts because the two are different, doesn't mean one cannot be better than the other. Crash is the worst my friend. Logan was in 2017, it could be a contender, but of course got knocked away by the bait of the season. well marvel does that because it keeps families coming, and they tell good stories through their comedic capabilities. If it isn't broken, why are you upset it's not getting fixed? What's wrong with another action comedy? After the drama we'll get with "Infinity War", why not have another comedic movie? As a Christian.... i agree. Christian films don't know what to do with what they're trying to say, it's all just a jumbled mess. I agree this movie will end that way, and it makes me unhappy they keep making crap like this, and totally ignore what the critics are saying on their movies, because, maybe, just maybe *gasp* we can learn to make a good Christian film that will be seen and respected for once instead of being 2 hour soap operas for youth groups to pop in every so often!!!!! Seriously, if you want to make a religious film, don't be forcing it down people's throats, take the original Ben-Hur route with it, and let it be subtle yet powerful. You may not agree with the message, but you can respect it for trying to be a strong piece of art trying to say something the filmmakers believe. One of my biggest issues was the relationship between Rose and Finn, because it could've been done so much better. I feel if the casino scene was less about the politics, and more on their relationship, audiences would have tolerated that section more. I think this film is much like "Sunset Boulevard" or "The Great Gatsby", in showing the negatives of the life that was depicted. I agree, the 60's are now portrayed as hellish nowadays, and try to make our time look more pleasant. I find myself often disagreeing with both conservatives, and liberals on issues in America, and i think film is a strong way of showing both sides, even if the liberal side is very overpowering. Keep in mind though, all art is subjective, and in ten years time, what will "The Shape Of Water" be remembered for? "Sunset Boulevard", and "The Great Gatsby" were a different outlook on their current time, that many people accepted as seeing the other side. Maybe in 5 years or so, we'll get a film showing their are negatives to our current time period which will hit people hard, and that will be the movie people will remember. I think this win is a prime example of the right person winning at the wrong time. You're gonna think I'm insane, but I honestly thought "Logan" was tied with "Three Billboards" for Best Picture. I personally prefer "Logan". Actually my Best Picture winner in my eyes is either three billboards or a film that wasn't nominated. Yeah, I imagine if they were to release the Snyder cut for the fans, it would be embarrassing too Snyder, and considering what he's going through currently, the cut should not be released. I agree he was let go not because of the suicide, it was just a very tragic convenience. My one question is, if they needed to fix the problems of Justice League, why not bring in Patty Jenkins? She proved herself with the first 2/3 of Wonder Woman, had the most success at the time with a DCEU movie, and honestly isn't a bad director. Wouldn't it make more sense to bring her in? Just my opinion though. rex Harrison in "my fair lady." I think It was cut for time, though I may not be correct on that statement i didn't watch the original yet, but i plan to do so and give my review. i crown you all the king of Nit-Picks!!!!! Tim in the comics i wanna say is around15-16. I think they were allowed to go more into dark storytelling, since they were handed the joker's death. IMO it's the best Joker death scene, and watching someone struggle with that psychologically like Tim does at the end of the flashback just shows how impactful the joker can be, even from beyond the grave. This whole movie is amazing for me, but the flashback sequence had me sold, because them getting dark with this series, felt very real to me this film is dark, so seeing this with Drake was disturbing, however the joker doesn't have a "Too far", even in the animated series what he did was more shocking than what some big budget action films were doing at the time. As for Batman taking him in, he didn't want him to become Robin, seeing what it had done to Dick Grayson. Alfred was the one who convinced both of them. So the real question is, "WHY DID ALFRED MAKE TIM BECOME ROBIN?!?!?"