MovieChat Forums > The Shape of Water (2017) Discussion > Alright, just a thought on one of the os...

Alright, just a thought on one of the oscar nominations...

First off, Congratulations on Guillermo Del Toro on his film winning Best Picture. Regardless on how I feel, it has to be a massive honor to see your film go a long way, to the point the most powerful people say it's the best movie of 2017 (even though my opinion is totally different). However, theirs one nomination I felt "The Shape Of Water" should've gotten. As much as I love Richard Jenkins, I felt Michael Shannon's performance was more deserving of a "Best Supporting Actor" nomination. Besides Sally Hawkins, I mostly remembered Michael Shannon's character more afterwards. Jenkins did a fine job, don't get me wrong, but I felt Michael Shannon was much more deserving of the nomination. In fact, if it had just been Sally Hawkins, and Michael Shannon being nominated only, I would have been satisfied with that. Any thoughts?


I fully agree. He was nominated for playing a gay character, plain and simple. And before everyone gets all in a tizzy, I'm not one of your radical right wing trolls you love bickering with. I'm not some liberal sjw either. I'm just honest. That's just what happened. I have absolutely nothing against gay people or gay characters. Be it film or any other industry, I just can't stand when the best person isn't nominated for an award or considered for a job because of political/social agendas that are tilted in either direction.

I also agree that this wasn't Best Picture. IMO, it's Three Billboards or Phantom Thread. Although, I've yet to see Darkest Hour, The Post, or Call Me By Your Name.


Is Jenkins gay in real life? If not, can he not be accused of "appropriating gayness"? In these enlightened times, acting can only be allowed to go so far in the representation of a character.


I don't think he should be accused of "appropriating gayness". Like I said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with gay characters or the act of portraying one. He's an actor I've always liked pretty well, and I'm assuming he took the role because he liked the sound of it, not because he made a bold prediction in his mind that it would win him an oscar based on political agendas. Hell, if he did, I respect his next level cunning for playing the Hollywood system like that (I honestly wondered if that's what Del Toro did with all the liberal political elements in the film). I blame whoever makes the nominations and decides the winner, because, as MichaelPacino said, Shannon's performance was far superior and deserved it more. IMO, If anyone is guilty of appropriating homosexuality, it's Hollywood; using a popular political topic to SELL, SELL, SELL!!!!

Edit: I just thought - Shannon might have actually been considered the lead male in that movie, so... Regardless, the point about Hollywood still stands, as I'm sure there were others that were just as deserving of the nomination, if not more.


Actually my Best Picture winner in my eyes is either three billboards or a film that wasn't nominated.


What was your other film?


You're gonna think I'm insane, but I honestly thought "Logan" was tied with "Three Billboards" for Best Picture. I personally prefer "Logan".


Logan was much better that the Shape of Water. Honestly, anything but that movie would have made me happy. The academy voters don't even know what they are doing anymore. They actually gave Kobe Bryant an award and then go on to talk about women not being harassed sexually.


I think this win is a prime example of the right person winning at the wrong time.


I haven't seen "Logan", nor any other super hero movie since Tobey McGuire's Spidey trilogy lol.


Logan seems like a long time ago now - would it even have been a contender this year? Personally I found Logan a bit disappointing but perhaps it was just over hyped?
I loved The Shape of Water but I’m not sure I could have decided between it and Three Billboards.


Logan was in 2017, it could be a contender, but of course got knocked away by the bait of the season.



I don't think the character was badly constructed. I thought if was a reflection of a badly constructed man falling apart under the stress of his conflicting desires. I agree he was very good but it was also an over the top, scenery chewing, loud and unsympathetic role - perhaps not the kind of performance that wins Oscar consideration?
