2nd Series? (SPOILERS)

They made quite a big thing about not getting access to the Rapists Hard drive, I reckon they might use this as a lead into a new series. Possibly when they get into it they will find he had a network with other Rapists who he shared photos with.


Or maybe he didn't do it.

He could be covering for his brother. The brother may have set him up by putting a fake birthmark on when committing the rapes.

I think when the detectives uncover what is on the hard drive they will discover that the brother is involved in some way.


But this was based - very closely - on a true story. See this—-> https://www.propublica.org/article/false-rape-accusations-an-unbelievable-story

Perhaps they changed the names of the main detectives just so they could go fictional next time.


Was the encrypted, unread hard drive mentioned in the article? I don't recall seeing that when I read it.


A sequel would dilute the strength of this series.


/A sequel would dilute the strength of this series./



if there is i think it would be unrelated to this, having the detectives uncover something else


Then it becomes just another cop show and dilutes the strength of the original
