MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Stars who you used to like but now can't...

Stars who you used to like but now can't stand

I think Johnny Depp would be on top of this list for not just me. I think it was around the time of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that he really started to irk me, and it just kept getting worse. I used to really like him, and not just because he was "cute", I thought he was a great actor.

Madonna is another one. I don't think I'd listened to any of her new music after Music. I don't think she was ever a great singer, but she was very entertaining. I listened to one of her new songs the other day and I realized that she just irritates me now. Even seeing a picture of her is annoying. I don't know if I think she's trying to hard or what? But I can still listen almost anything before 2000 and still really like it.

John Malkovich. I used to find him interesting, even when he was doing cheesy roles like in Con Air. I don't know why I now find him irritating, but I do.


I wouldn't say can't stand, but I definitely have lost a lot of respect for Elisabeth Moss.

I love watching her in The Handmaid's Tale. However, since I found out she is a Scientologist I just don't see her the same way as before, if that makes sense??


Robert DeNiro. I used to like his movies but he should have stopped being in movies decades ago.

Jack Nicholson. At least he stopped sooner.

Edward Norton. I'm a Fight Club fan. But now I know he's a dick.

Also Wesley Snipes. Being a diva and giving people difficult time is bad enough, but not paying your tax? Come on... That's just a dick move.


I'm going to add Will Smith. I don't know exactly when I stopped liking him, but it's been awhile. I just caught the most recent episode of The Graham Norton Show that he was on promoting Aladdin, and he was talking over everyone. He irked me when he was interrupting Kevin Hart, but Will interrupting Naomi Scott when she and Graham were trying to talk about the elements of female empowerment in the new Aladdin was really annoying. I don't even want to see the new Aladdin but let the woman speak!!


I've never been a fan as such but what I noticed is he plays every role the same way. Doesn't matter what the role is.

His shtick just gets old.


I would say pretty much every high roller out there we can't get rid of


Henry Rollins he was my hero when I was younger but even then I noticed what would now be called SJW qualities about him.

Nowadays he has gone full blown Leftard and fanboy and he is cringeworthy.

I also agree that Depp was cool back in the 21 Jump St days but when I saw him on a local TV show here he came off as a real dick.
