Ant1238's Replies

Hm, I don’t think there was an ‘80s edition, just the cut ‘78 and the uncut ‘90 1978 for the book actually. ‘90 was just when the uncut version was finally released On second watch of the scene, Owen probably is the only one to recognize her. So he must have invited her? Maybe she's his plus one? It was definitely her, but I don't think any of the three recognized her; everyone forgot about the events but her. Who was Marieli Minuti? Don't remember an Anna character. Live with not knowing if you saw the film or not? I guess I could do that, I'm not too invested in it. Just curious about this odd habit of yours. Well clearly, but you’re just posting a review from someone else that anyone with any interest could find. Have you seen this movie? What did YOU think about it? Dude, why do you just post "a review" on every single fucking movie? Anyone can find multiple reviews on movies if they want, no one needs your help. If you have something to say about a movie, fucking say it. This is not something to post on a forum. She also produced it, seems like she wanted to do it more than most roles. Didn't seem like a "low grade" movie to me--A-list actors, huge budget. Not the greatest movie of all time, but certainly not low grade. Looks like the actors are Australian brothers in real life as well. Must have just been your ear? On Shudder! No, I don't think that has anything to do with it. It seemed to me that the demon or whatever may have indeed successfully inhabited the baby; if you listen closely you can hear some weird noises coming from her stomach, which is why she looked down. Because the first two times, he was very eagerly saying everything they wanted to hear, whether it was true or not, and they could easily see that. The third time, he was actually sincere, so they knew that he was finally so defeated that he wouldn't cause any trouble on the outside. He wasn't being sarcastic, he was finally being honest and blunt with them. Then maybe he likes that it inflicts a little more pain using the end that won't cut through so easily? I dunno. Could very well be that the police came a long time later, maybe when one of them was reported missing. After all, if someone reported what they saw online, they would have to admit to committing a felony themselves by subscribing to these super-illegal sites...and I doubt the cops would have any reason to search a lawn gnome for a hidden camera, haha Not like he had much to learn from! Literally! Yeah, I was confused at first too, looked it up and got this: Linger is absolutely hypnotic