carvinate's Replies

<b>but the days of anyone thinking Mickey is funny and enjoyable ended..</b> It sure sobered my ass up to look at the real Mickey--who was absolute scum. Well done and tragic episode. Agree. The old man body stiffness was sooo apparent. I wish they had placed younger actors in the earlier scenes playing the main characters. Thumbs up from me. It was a great drama that I never got tired of. It's better in a different way because they don't have the slowdown in moralizing or people getting to deeply know each other and just an hour of talk, talk, talk. It's just straight out bleepin' fast paced survival and I'm watching AGAIN, which I hardly EVER do with a tv series or movie. Thumbs up agree! I'm with you. I couldn't wait until it was over, in fact, I fast forwarded through maybe the final 10 minutes or so of the last episode. The dramatic over-the-top mom and her equally dramatic over-the-top wife. Those two alone ruined it for me! And of course, everyone lives in the same apartment building. Absolute stupid garbage. It's like Homeland, without Carrie, but still pretty good. I liked it, although I didn't know what the hell it was about. ^^This. I also was left with questions about Hal. Also, why did the demon kill Sylvia and his other followers? That made no sense to me. It was confusing, with characters having prominent multi-episode storylines that had zero to do with the murders, and some of the storylines were never resolved. Too many 'red-herrings' just tossed into the story, with a season ending that went off the rails hinting at a new career for Marcella (What the..?). I'll likely watch S3 if there is one, though. Agree. It was so damn confusing that I somewhat lost interest this season and was doing other things like looking at my phone or computer. Thanks for the backstory from the showrunners. I just wished they could have perhaps ended the show a few years after the wall fell. Phil and Elizabeth assassinated by the anti-Gorbachev faction, Henry living with Stan and graduating from college, Paige maybe reconnecting with father Tim on missionary work, Oleg released and going back to his family, etc... They should have just turned themselves in and flipped, giving up the spy network and working out an asylum deal. It seemed dumb to go back when Elizabeth could be murdered by the anti-Gorbachev faction. Also, this was a shorter season and I guess the writers were pressed for time to come up with a perfect ending. LOL...hope you hung in there. IMO, it gets much better. ^^ I agree with your points but still enjoyed the movie. I even had a quibble with Strickland able to go to Zelda's house from the quarry, then Eliza's, having never been to either (at least not that I recall). Maybe an award for CGI but thirteen noms is a bit much. Not a bad movie. It didn't blow me away or anything but it was a decent time killer. 6/10 I agree. Very good movie. "I just want it to be done and over. I can't stand any of the people in the show and the more positive someone is portrayed the worse happens to them." I agree. I'm only hanging with it to see how it all finally ends. Hopefully, with Frank and Claire either dead or in prison. Stamper too! This show should have ended after 2-3 seasons because the writers have nowhere else to go with it. Absolutely ridiculous plotlines and zero redeeming characters outside of Tom and pretty much, Seth. "why on earth was there a defibrillator in the truck" If I remember correctly, it was an ambulance.