MovieChat Forums > Bright (2017) Discussion > Anyone seen it yet?

Anyone seen it yet?

It's now on netflix. I'll watch it at some point, but I'm not expecting much.


Very enjoyable. Lots of action, car chases, explosions, aliens, interesting creature concepts, lots of atmosphere and special effects. Nice character development as well. A great popcorn movie!


That doesn't sound bad at all. I might watch it later today.


I'd like to see a lot more of these characters, at least a sequel, preferably a series, but it's hard to keep all the writing and other production values up for a series.


Yeah - it was all right. I'm kind of surprised this wasn't released in theaters. Unlike most netflix films with high productions but horrible, horrible scripts - this film was actually pretty decent all around.


I wasn't crazy about it. It had the makings for the possibility of a good movie, but didn't deliver, in my opinion. Great visuals, interesting concept, but nothing really developed into anything. I had been looking forward to watching it, and am a fan of Will Smith, but he seemed one dimensional, almost replaying his Men in Black/Independence Day roles.
We were dropped into this world of orcs, elves, fairies, etc with not very much context. It did get better as it went, but then it just kind of ended with a fizz. I can see a sequel working with this as a lead up, but honestly felt the storyline was just getting started and then it was over. So I give it a "meh" with a cautious hopefulness for a second movie that continues the story.


Having seen an absurdly high number of poor to horrible SyFy-caliber movies, I was very pleasantly surprised with this. It's mainly thanks to Joel Edgerton and his character giving this one more soul than expected. I was already a fan of his, but he really put his all in to this role and the film is the better for it.


Not a bad movie. It didn't blow me away or anything but it was a decent time killer. 6/10
