joegerardi's Replies

[quote]better spent under the knife of the lobotomist.[/quote] Don't let us stop you. ..Joe He had the weight of 4 years of blood-soaked war, the slave issue, and the reconstruction issue set firmly on his shoulders, not counting the family issues with his wife. The man was bone-weary tired, bowed, but refused to break, as he saw himself the only man up to running the country at the time. ..Joe There's a huge difference between "having an accent." and being unintelligible. ..Joe Errol Flynn was a Kiwi- from New Zealand. That is not an English accent. ..Joe I did stop watching it, about 15 minutes in... And if you think you get to tell me what I can and can't do, you can kiss my pigu. ..Joe PS: 4-5 books a week. Every week. Last one was "Spies of Warsaw." You? Really? Okay, then why didn't they set in in modern times and use aboriginal women from Australia to play all the men's parts? Why not have Supercar come in and save them all? Why not use rock music at the dance? It's a movie: If it's entertainment, as you say, then there's no rules at all, so why not have them speak Urdu for the whole movie? See, there's no reason to spit on the men that died during the real event by representing it so piss-poorly and without any respect for history. If Hollywood is going to base something on an actual event, then use the facts as the foundation- don't apply Pearl Harbor stupidity to it and change history. Those men died in the service of their country: we owe it to their memories' and their families to get it right. ..Joe Since Political Correctness gelded all them men into metrosexuals that want to have sex with other men, or pretend they're outraged at this so that they don't offend their girlfriends, (who probably have bigger balls than the men) and get shut off for a month... I must be of the few men who believe she's indecently OVERdressed in this movie. It's Karen Gillan for chrissake: she's gorgeous! ..Joe "Mercenary turns Hero. Check." Give you that one. "Sarcastic but unwaveringly loyal sidekick. Check." Uncheck that one. He left him to die, or take the rap for the missing powder. I'd call that neither unwavering NOR loyal. "Kickass woman but just not too kickass please, falling for the hero. Check." Uncheck that one as well. She didn't fall for him. She wouldn't. Not in a movie with a Chinese director, and made with Chinese money. The don't call us "Wai gue" for nothing. Respect? Yes. Falling for him? Not in any dimension that exists. And it was HER that killed the queen, which makes her THE kickass, not him So it seem you're at 50%, so it's not the compilation you seem to think it is. Perhaps it was your misconceptions that ruined it for you? ..Joe Why did there have to be a "European influence?" I've been a fan of Zhang Yimou since "Wo de Fuqin Muqin," and would have watched this even if there had been no western actors. In fact, I would have watched it sooner. There's no "solving of the diversity issue" in this move: that would have happened had it been all Asian actors, and people watched it because it was a good movie, NOT because Matt Damon was in it. Actually, I felt he diminished it. ..Joe Pretty much no one knows who Matt Damon is in China. Andy Lau (Strategist Wang) is like a rock start there. In fact, he IS a rock star and has been for decades. This movie made very little money in the USA, but in China, it made a ton. And that's because of Zhang Yimou and Andy Lau being so famous, not Matt Damon. ..Joe Because whether you believe in the story or not, the crucifixion really did happen. That's historical fact. The horrendous, horrible way the Romans flogged and crucified people is horrible to behold, and to anyone have to go through this is utterly gut-wrenching. Not that you factor in that it's the core of Christianity - which is still the largest sect of religions in the Western World - you will see that people wanted to understand, to see, to feel the depth of what really happened. Was it 100% historically accurate? No. Was it close? Yes. Just the bare facts- having the skin and tissue torn from your back by a whip with pieces of metal and bone in it; to have a crown with 2" thorns thrust down on and into your head; after that to drag at 150 pound cross (uphill) to your place of execution, then have nails driven into your wrists and ankles, lifted, and forced to push up against the pain just to breathe, until at last, you succumb. (Death during crucifixion was by asphyxiation.) The main part of this movie, was that the effects were far more realistic that previous movies. It was a gory, bloody affair, and that was portrayed here. I watched it when it came out on DVD. I haven't been able to watch it since. If you want to read clinically what happened to a human, then look at this article by two Forensic pathologists, who researched deeply the physical suffering and cause of death of Joshua Bar Joseph. (Jesus' real name.) ..Joe The word on this movie is "caca." It's just SO dumb, you can't believe it. There's suspension of disbelief, then there's using WMDs on it to make it disappear forever. The "technology" is at the same level as the science in "Gravity." That is: there only to be used to advance the plot, whether its feasible or not. Avoid this like an STD. ..Joe The Japanese invade and occupied Manchuria in 1931- two years before this movie. She could easily have learned Japanese in that time. ..Joe Really? Where are they from? Jewtopia? Jewish is a religion, period. [i]Israeli[/i] is a race. There are Christian Israelis, and people of every other race can also be Jewish. But there's NO "Jewish race." ..Joe The SS officer that Schindler dives the diamonds to get the women released in Auschwitz-Birkenau is Rudolph Hoss. The SS Officer that was asking "What's your name, mother?" Is Josef Mengele. There are others, but the one of the beauties of the film is they weren't given the dignity of being named. ..Joe