joegerardi's Replies

Not just subs. Aircraft carriers can be out there for 6 months, and their support ships with them. Even if the disease was airborne, it's not gonna travel 4000 miles out into the middle of the Pacific. And what about the people in the Antarctic? No pathogen can live in that cold. in Alaska, there's a US Military base at Fort Wainwright. Thule, Greenland also isn't known for its sunny climes. Enjoyable show, but [i]really[/i] stretches the boundaries of believability. ..Joe Actually, I went the other way. Season three dragged so much with (to me) stupid Deus ex machina stuff that about halfway through I gave up and stopped watching. Always just missing the hostages, always just missing everything they need, well, that's just the showrunners forcing a plot along- the first two seasons that wasn't necessary- it was self-perpetuating. ..Joe Part I'm trying to figure out is how Will and Penny, and both John and Maureen Robinson are all white, but Judy Robinson is black... Forcing diversity for the sake of diversity is kinda stupid. They just as easily could have made Smith a black female. Oh, wait: Smith is the villain- they're not allowed to make black villains any more. ..Joe I don't think of it as [i]slow,[/i] as much as the story is so dense and thick, that it can't stay on top of all the action all the time. We're dealing with 3 very diverse groups, on their own, and as they interact, and because of that, there's a lot of ground to cover each episode. If you like really rich storytelling, along with great characters, stick with it. ..Joe I like it, but I felt they were just padding it along. The whole Ryo Ishida thing just dragged and dragged, forcing him to act Worf-style with bluster and that warrior thing. They should have resolved that in no more than half a season. There were also more than couple of throwaway shows each season. That's okay in a 22-episode season, but in a 13-eqpisode season it becomes a high percentage of the total output. I hope it get a second life, but if so, it needs to be tighter, punchier, with better writing. ..Joe Well, the simple fact of the matter is that the Duke DIDN'T always "play John Wayne." That's been the cry of people that don't like his politics, or don't like him as an actor. There's hundreds of posts that explain and cite his range and ability, and the usual statement is that it's the ONE movie where he doesn't act like himself, regardless of how many different movies are listed in different threads. But the short list is: The Searchers; She Wore a Yellow Ribbon; Island in the Sky; They Were Expendable. Watch those and see if he's playing "John Wayne." ..Joe This one could- it was a cartridge conversion pistol. ..Joe Correct. It was also shown in Gettysburg when Joshua Chamberlain - the Jeff Daniels character - is on Little Round Top- he reloads his Navy .44 cap-and-ball revolver the same way. In those days it was pull out the wedge, pull off the barrel, slide out the cylinder, slide on a new one, replace the barrel, and push in the wedge. Took about 15-20 seconds. ..Joe Tom Jane's performance in the Blue Falcon was some of the best acting I've ever seen him do. ..Joe The effects might not be there, but B5 had the other three whacked to the wide in terms of story arc. ..Joe You're assuming they're from Guangdong. (Canton) Chinese from all over sold children - including those in Singapore - and Shanghai was almost as big a trading port as Hong Kong, and had a greater international trade, especially American. Puhtonghua (Mandarin) is the most common language in all of China. This show is set only 13 years away from the Chinese Republic, 3 years from the Boxer Rebellion, and it was the Qin Empire 2200 years prior to this that started the unification of language. Unless specifically from Canton, many Chinese spoke their local dialect AND Mandarin. ..Joe Yeah, but the overwhelming audience was going to be people who liked GITS before hand. They were expecting Mokoto Kusanagi, not whatever the hell her name was. (BTW- she never had any other name than Mokoto Kusanagi.) I'm no fanboy- I'm an older man that can appreciate a good story no matter where it comes from. Unfortunately, this movie did NOT have a good story. ..Joe Nope. Kusanagi never had a body. She's been in a shell since birth. That's one of the big problems here- they screwed with the story line and Kusanagi's timeline far too much. ..Joe I disagree. I think the reason this didn't do well is because they screwed to much with canon. Fundamentally, Kusanagi never had a body- she's always been a cyborg. That makes the entire origin story here spurious, and creates conflict that never really existed. Secondly, Scarlett Johansson was just wrong for the part- Kusanagi's shell is a lot younger and slimmer. The height is about right, but everything else is wrong. Additionally, Kusanagi is not as conflicted as Johansson chose to play her- at best, she philosophically reflects on her existence, not with such Hollywood-overacted angst. So: what you have is a concept that is loved by millions, perverted and altered just for the sake of Hollywood, an actress who does not reflect the iconography of the original, and who has no concept of how the character should be played; and a misguided origin story that spits on canon. The core audience - the readers and viewers of the original - were the ones that would have spent the money to see it. But, by pissing on the legacy, they just stayed away. ..Joe It would be racist if these things were untrue and used to only stereotype. Morritz could have been any color, he just happened to be black. Countering that, he's one of the world's foremost experts in violins. That expertise makes him quite a rarity. Look: you can find racism in anything: do you accuse BET of racism? ..Joe Typical response. Misdirect, obfuscate, LIE, anything but a cogent, intelligent response. When you have no answer, you attack. ..Joe See what we mean about liberals being stupid? I never accused [i]you,[/i] I was stating the issue about Liberals (BTW: you folks are ANYTHING but "progressive") in general. ..Joe It finished filming this past spring. When it will get to Netflix, I have no idea. ..Joe I'll bite. I'm 60. ..Joe Okay, thanks. And you continue to NOT think at all. God, you MUST be a Millennial. ..Joe