jakemon45's Replies

"Based on what?" Narrowing it down to this board alone, all the complaints about it being "woke". Posters condemned this movie before it was release for being woke because the main character was female. That's it. Nothing more. The only people that complain about female leads are Republicans. There's no disputing that. I never said it is good because it is natural. I'm saying that those who whine that it's unnatural are wrong. That being said, eating a human is a hell of a lot worse than having a relationship with one when it harms absolutely no one. Continue to compare apples to oranges, though. You should just quit posting, then. That's my honest opinion. The absolute biggest hypocrites in existence. I have no doubt of that. They're not doing that. However, fighting against them just wanting to exist and be acknowledged as human beings and saying that everyone should be straight is most certainly shoving your sexual preference down people's throats. Hypocrite AGAIN. Incredible. Probably. There is no trusting you on anything. You're wrong anyway. It's not at all becoming less accepted, those that oppose it are just getting louder and more obnoxious. That's not the same thing. "If you don't agree with me, you're* woke and pushing an agenda." According to you. Not according to the world. Also, what your saying is directly applying to yourself. Makes sense to repeat what you said. It's certainly no weaker than your lame original post. Which is you forcing your agenda on people. Ironic. Apples to oranges. Besides, there are people serving very long sentences for weed in America anyway. So hilarious that right wingers tell others to think for themselves. Just absolute, pure comedy. Weird thing to care or wonder about. For me, I did recognize her. The problem with that is the fact that all I've ever seen her in is 2 episodes of shows over from more than 10 years ago. So that doesn't add up either. Right... Yeah that was for sure the reason. Mmhmm. "more than likely it will make a billion" ...so it won't be a flop, and many many people will see it. That negates your entire original post. I find this very odd considering that DC/WB have never shied away from releasing shitty movies before. No. Good for you boohoo