jakemon45's Replies

I'm not sure your reasoning for thinking it doesn't work. The only reason I say it doesn't work, is because they keep casting the actors from the multiverse as their counterparts in the MCU. It just makes it confusing. No Way Home shows us that Peter Parkers from different universes look different and are different ages, while giving us a lookalike Matt Murdock from the netflix shows. Then immediately after, we get Multiverse of Madness which has half a dozen Dr. Stranges that look exactly the same. In one of those universes, a Christine and a Baron Mordo also look the same, but (now that we have an MCU Reed Richards cast) a Reed Richards that doesn't. They've mucked it all up. Okay A quick google search shows me that a female led reboot was in the works at the beginning of 2023. The version being discussed here is from back in 2017 or so. James Gunn was involved with it, and that's a picture from an upcoming project of his. I have no idea why that's on here, though. Indeed. His supporters are the ones actually suffering from TDS That's been the right's response to every dumb thing Trump has ever said or did since 2016... so this comment really makes me laugh. I truly didn't get that part. What could she possibly want with him Sure was. With all the different editions of the book that have been released, they sure got lucky buying the same one he had. 1. This thought never once crossed my mind. Between how loudly Reagan was screaming at times, the knocking sound, and bed shaking... MY mind went straight to him simply going to check on her after hearing something. The molestation idea seems a bit drastic. 2. In the book, she did the vandalization and a bit more. I'm not sure how heavily the movie actually leans into her doing it, since my knowledge from the novel had me knowing she did it. 3. Again, only in the book, the cop just let it go. He was aware by the end what Reagan went through. "Apparently, the theory goes nowhere" That's because it was Reagan. Either that or going up to the room to have sex minutes before the King and Queen announcement that you want to win so badly. Piranha 3DD It's weird that his cult still call him a billionaire yet give him money when he asks. Doesn't add up in any way. I have a lifelong friend that we've all always called by his last name. His mom and sisters refer to him as that as well. It's definitely odd, but that's simply how it is. "he needed Dr. Sartain in 2018 and Corey in Ends to make the meeting happen" Yes, they made the meeting happen. As in, Michael had no desire to go after Laurie. He never would have went after her. Probably doesn't even remember her from '78. He didn't need those others to get to her, they just brought him. It's very clear in Halloween '18 that he is just going around town killing. Sartain brings him to Laurie's house where he just does his thing because there are people there. In Kills he's just going home and killing the people that get in his way. There's nothing to suggest he's after Laurie in Ends either. I'm actually going to. You and your lot win. It's clear these boards are for you and those that think like you only. Your first response is to half of a sentence, leaving out the key part. Which in doing so negates your second part entirely. When it is one group of people using their outdated beliefs as basis for their negativity, yes. I don't understand this one here- "If you don't like this new thing you're this [currently acceptable to hate group/label]" In the case of this movie, that would be a female lead. That's all. What is this "new thing" you're referring to?