jakemon45's Replies

THAT'S who he sounded like! Damn it was driving me crazy trying to figure out who his voice reminded me of. "guards could abuse the patients as long as they only used a roll of quarters" What's that mean, exactly? I always just assumed he had it because punching someone with a roll of quarters in your hands reinforces your fingers and makes the punch heavier. I assumed this wasn't the first gym class after his mother told him not to shower, and word had gotten out from the other boys. It made money because people wanted to see it. While that's true, you did say "they have evidence that he was abducted at the house also". That's specifically what I was talking about. While not all you mentioned, the house being on fire surely does erase that one thing you mentioned. You forget that the house was on fire when he got out. No evidence whatsoever would be there. I'd say this, also mixed quite obviously with the fact of how else would they explain two twenty something black people just hanging around? Hey thanks but I actually haven't seen that one yet. This one I'm thinking of is a newer one, I'm pretty sure. I appreciate it, though! Yeah I kept expecting a confrontation about that. He hides in that initial shootout, he's nowhere to be found during the celebration following that or the skirmish that happens there. I can't believe no one called him out on that. Well the bad guy thought they were the same. He didn't expect them to have any honor or any reason to actually care about the village. He assumed they were just there for a paycheck. He didn't see any reason for them to come back. Agreed. I found myself watching him in every shot he was in, whether he was front and center or in the back not even doing anything. Every second, though, he was just damn cool. Just watched it today. No closing credits. Like a lot of movies back then, all the credits are shown at the beginning.