HorrorMetal's Replies

Yes I know haha. I didn't even think I would get a reply at all. This website is like a ghost town and all these old archived posts from IMDb are like ancient relics from the past. He wasn't talking to you, he was quoting another poster from this same thread, he just didn't reply to the right person. 1 4 2 5 3 7 6 8 He was infected from the water he drank at the farm. He was a hoot for sure! You're right, they should retcon Han Solo (who has always been a white male) into a female transgender homosexual Muslim who also happens to be a midget, sorry, little person. I'm gonna go protest about this right now! Okay, fair enough. I see what you're saying. Everything in the film was spot on to the comics? Everything? Let's see... Spider sense? J. Jonah Jameson? Photography hobby? Being an independent loner whose secret identity wasn't known by anyone? Making his own costume and NOT having a Stark tech suit that never shuts up? "MJ" going from a fun and energetic redhead bombshell to a whiny emo outcast? Hmm.. I seem to have found a few things that would suggest otherwise. Yes, I have the read the comics my whole life. Multiple times. Have you? I was not talking about their race. At all. Flash in the comics was an arrogant muscular jock and football hero, not a nerdy weirdo with a potty mouth. He's supposed to be the antithesis of Peter Parker, his polar opposite. Here they were so similar, I don't even see why they were enemies. Sure he had more screentime and a bigger role to play than the Flash in previous Spidey films but that's not what I was talking about, now was it? If the bullies in my school looked and acted like the Homecoming version of Flash, I would have kicked their asses. And do I really need to explain what was different about Aunt May? Going from an elderly and nurturing woman who somewhat dependent on Peter to a young fox who could easily find some wealthy man to take care of her. Quite a departure there. Are you honestly gonna tell me that this Aunt May was closer to the comics than the one in the Raimi films? (which I never even mentioned in my original post, by the way, but you automatically asssumed I was comparing to them) I don't read the recent comics, by the way. I stopped reading Marvel in the early 90's. So if these characters have changed since then, I wouldn't know. Perfectly true to its source material? The supporting cast in this movie could not have been more off from their comic book counterparts. Aunt May, Flash Thompson, etc. were all wrong and were absolutely nothing like their characters from the comics. Horribly miscast and not properly written. If you like this movie, fine, but if was definitely a huge departure from its source material. I absolutely loved Holland and Keaton, however. And I agree with the OP, this PC/forced diversity crap getting rammed down our throats is getting old. How was he at all “stupid”? Seemed pretty brilliant to me. Genius like, in fact. Okay, Comic Book Guy. Yeah but we see visions of their bloody bodies after being hacked up by an axe. Pretty obvious that they're supposed Grady's daughters. Plus they're both listed in the cast as Grady daughter. Come on man! 1. "And All Through the House" 2. "Poetic Justice" 3. "Blind Alleys" 4. "Wish You Were Here" 5. "Reflection of Death" So cool seeing the kids just sitting around and hanging out with Pennywise. Are you Kutta Kyte on YouTube by any chance? That won't be until Part 2, this was just the first segment with the main characters as children. Agreed. I had the same issues with the movie. I also hated the lack of spider sense, the AI technological suit that does all these but fancy things and never shuts up, the fact that Spidey is no longer a self sufficient and independent loner, and how the supporting characters were NOTHING like their comic book counterparts. I thought Tom Holland did a good job though and Keaton rocked as The Vulture. I absolutely hated that those elements where dropped from the movie as well as the lack of interest in photography and no references to Uncle Ben. This didn't seem at all like a Spider-Man movie. It was indeed such an obvious and forced PC agenda, they had to pander to the millennials! I liked Tom Holland and Michael Keaton but the rest of the cast was all wrong. I don't mind ethnic people being in the movie (it is New York City after all) but don't take existing characters and change their races just to appeal to all the SJW's! I hated that. Spidey's suit should NOT talk to him or do all that's other fancy technological stuff. He isn't Iron Man. I guess they had to replace his spider sense with an AI that never shuts up. So disappointing.