MovieChat Forums > It (2017) Discussion > Does this end the same as the original?

Does this end the same as the original?



That won't be until Part 2, this was just the first segment with the main characters as children.


Alas, they decided to not go for that in the first part, I'm sure they'll save it for the second part. I was disappointed, but I can understand the reasoning even if I don't like it.

And I'd just point out that in the book, they did fight It in the spider form as children, in case there's any misconception about that.


In the book it was spider-like but only because their minds couldn't comprehend it's true form. Also It's true self was not necessarily a physical form. It really existed outside of the universe in the "macroverse" as the Deadlights. Furthermore, if It threw a person into the Deadlights that persons mind would be driven insane and stay in the Deadlights forever while their body is left alive but catatonic. Bill's wife Audra was the only one to see the Deadlights fully and then come back from it. But that only happened because Bill used Silver(his bike) and maybe the last bit of magic to ride "to beat the devil" one last time.


Yeah, I get all that, I just didn't want to go into that detail due to (possible?) spoilers for whatever backstory they decide to give It in part two. I very much doubt the Macroverse will make the transition (making it 0/2), but hey, it's not 100% impossible, since the there were references to turtles in the movie.


No,not impossible. Really want them to work the smoke-hole into chapter two. Sorry if I might be spoiling some aspects of the next movie. Just a huge SK fan and enjoy talking about my favorites


I'm unsure if they'll use the smoke-hole scene (the director wanted it in this one, but it was claimed it'd have cost too much to film, and thus was cut), but the director has said he's like to go into It's backstory in the second part, and I'm all them trying to fit as much book stuff as possible into the second part as long as the story they've adapted can still be followed and not get over-cluttered.


The turtle "maturin" was the only cool easter egg I noticed. Did any one else spot anything?


The Paul Bunyan statue


Bill had a Tracker Bros tee shirt Richie has a Freese's tee


Eddie had a shirt with a black and white front shot of a car that had to be a shoutout to Christine


Well yeah, but it didn't chase Richie down the street. That one wasn't subtle.

I spotted the tees as well aqualung.


No but it was there...along with the standpipe


The only question I have other than "when will part 2 come out"
Is Henry Bowers dead?


not likely. although I suppose it is possible. his adult plot line fills up some pages but it would be fairly easy to write out.


Yeah but I hope we haven't seen the last of him...even if he did die Bob Gray can always bring him back for shits and giggles
