Ilyathe2nd's Replies

If by "hurt" you mean grossing half a billion in 1983, then yeah, hurt me as well, daddy. Although ESB is the more respected sequel and a tighter narrative, this is still a massive cultural phenomenon! I'm alright Jack; pull up the ladder. Curtain Call (1940): "Two theatrical producers plan to get even with a demanding actress by tricking her into starring in the worst play they can find. The producer and director conspire to give the actress a dreadful role to play from the script of "The End of Everything". The plot to mislead the actress, however, backfires when she loves the role and gives a stellar performance, which turns the play into a hit." Does not really sound like it was ripped off in The Producers... I just saw it on telly, and ‘Everything I Do’ plays at the beginning of the closing titles, right after the wedding scene, so the confusion is entirely understandable. The music video is very memorable as well. Whoah, dude, samesies, radical! I'll get my coat. The basic plot is written as "A civil war has erupted between an authoritarian United States government and various regional forces." You linked that authoritarian government with Trump on your own. But it's telling, certainly, a confession, if you will. On May 21st it'll be 20 years since this was released. It's still talked about, just not on this site. Accuracy doesn't seem to be the point of it, but a peek into the psyche of mr. Sellers. The book was nasty, the film is rather interesting, if narrow. How did you reply... with no mouth? <smirk> Oh gee wiz, O Brother Where Art Thou has it's charms. This one, I'm not sure. It's such a generic thriller piece that the actors seem out of place, like a parody of the genre. Her condition, as you so inelegantly put it, is to have a name in common with The Princess of Wales. Yep, I try not to be rude, but a very large percentage of OP's posts are unusual in their thought processes. Or to put it another way, avortac4 makes no sense. I have to disagree with the face thing, he doesn't seem so vain that losing half his original face would drive him insane by itself. The step is too steep to be relatable. He also does not need his face unblemished to work as a DA. Plastic surgery exists, skin grafts, and face transplants. He could get his face back to a very high degree within a few years at most. Rachel's death and the loss of a future life together must be traumatic, but he knows the police and Batman were doing everything they could. There's no reason for an intelligent man to turn on them. He doesn't seem so unstable to accept the world view of the very person who did those things, and that's another step to far. I certainly would not flip my world view so casually, and I sense that it would be difficult for so many others as well. Dent would need to have that bitterness, yearning for violence and misanthropy somewhere within him, and that simply is not shown or foreshadowed in any significant way. Sure, he was ambitious and confident, but not a narcissist or psychopath to any degree. So the psychology does not work in TDK, certainly not in this very short descent into madness. The comics having an already unstable and in later versions abused man coping with his pain his whole adult life go insane makes a whole lot more sense. So, in conclusion, it happened too fast and there were very few storytelling cues and details shown for it to be believable. If it had been slower, shown more and the 3rd film would have been about Dent, that would have been so much more enjoyable. He's vulnerable and needs armor. Might as well look like it as well, so opponents might be deterred from attacking. Also, as has been pointed out, he's trying not to be noticed from a distance. His targets see him at the last moment, if ever. I wish it wasn't true, but COIE really did suck all the hope and optimism from DC, it's been all PTSD since. The later gimmicky "summer crossovers" shat the bed even further. Dark and anguished can and does work with Batman, but as a general mood for stories it's hopelessly depressing. Pointing out that it's not an S but a symbol of hope is largely meaningless in recent years. Exactly this. The studios can get great filmmakers, people of MC; they wish to get them. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, we need to shit on bad superhero films to make the point visible. It was in the 1st one,, the whole bit goes Ramada Thompson : Lieutenant, please. I'm talking to you as a psychiatrist. I'm recommending that you be grounded. Topper Harley : You've got to be joking! Ramada Thompson : Look, if I were joking, I would've said "what do you do with an elephant with three balls?" [Topper shrugs, since he has no idea what the answer is] Ramada Thompson : "You walk him and pitch to the rhino". Topper Harley : You are serious. Nick is Sophie's father. I didn't get an incesty vibe from the show. On point 1, Which is fine as long as everyone follows or is aware of regulations. On point 2, fair enough. Didn't think of that, we here in the Nordics don't have that. Even our strictest purists tend to accept some sort of modern technology, such as cars and televisions, but the content of entertainment is restricted. See fr. You come into his house on the day his daughter is to be married and you commit character assassination - for internet fame. That is not justice. WarrenPeace, WarrenPeace, what has he ever done to make you treat him so disrespectfully? Well put on all counts. Megsy has cut contact with both her family apart from mum, and Harry's family. The kids are stranded. Coming from two very large families, uncles, aunts and cousins galore with a lot of contact, and two grannies how lived very long lives, I can't even begin to imagine how that lack of family feels for them. They probably won't realise just how fucked up the situation is until they grow up, as you pointed out. Harry should wake and smell the bullshit before the kids are total strangers to almost all of their extended family members.