Ilyathe2nd's Replies

Just going by the film details, Ryback, a former Navy SEAL retains his rank of Chief Petty Officer. The position of culinary specialist is a rating, not a rank, that is to say a job description, where there are junior and senior enlisted serving. He was not demoted but moved laterally to other duties. Basically the top brass, in the narrative of the film, honour him by keeping him in the service despite his offence of striking an officer, And yes, people who have served with exceptional individual tend to remember them, even socialise with them outside service and consider them friends regardless of rank withing service. Edit to add two details: in the poster shown on MC, Ryback seems to wear flag officer shoulder boards despite beinf enlisted, and by the sequel he has been commissioned as a lieutenant. Did you sniff your fingers when you scratched? The Merovingian is not only extremely interested in corporeal pleasure but also an expert in it, so it would completely make sense that he started out as a human in a previous version! Great idea. At the time I just dismissed Perry's comments without much consideration, but now it hits me, as how both Ledger and Phoenix overdosed, while Keanu has no recorded history of substance abuse, Perry was lamenting his own likely future destiny of being remembered as an addict. That, and Perry had a twisted sense of humour. Who could hate Keanu?! I don't think he knew either. The substance abuse sadly fucked up his brain. THE US Naval Aviators* number over 100 000 active and reserve, with turnover, so 1000 as a literal interpretation is not a low number for TOPGUN to train, *,_Naval_Air_Forces has that number under their command. Looks like they only had a glass or two of champagne, not enough to impair them for long if at all. The adrenaline brought on by action would cancel out far larger amounts of alcohol. Yeah, all that was needed was a one line comment when he was already exposing his actions to Trinity, like "You all thought you were so clever, but I managed to hide myself in the code so easily" or similar. OP over here spitting out wholeass truths fr fr no cap. (Did I do a youth correctly?) I get headaches from a4's posts. Pretty sure I'm gonna have a stroke if I keep reading them. That would have made a lot of sense and allow for rather complex story lines on why and how they are specifically fueling human brain functions with stimuli. It also fits better with the breeding for consumption angle, as we rear animals to get a more concentrated and tasty source of nutrients, when a variety of plants would suffice. A lot of Russell's stories are tall tales and at the very least exaggerations, Pegg looks 15, cheesuz! On 14 December it will be 25 years from that skit first airing (S1E6) Edit: Glass's tune appeared in the broadcast version, it seems at least some home media releases change it to a very different soundscape. Sssso touching, AMAZING!! My brother in Christ, the OP looks like humour to me. Dave's not here, man. But did you get the massive pp you mentioned earlier? The song was written for the 1960 Broadway musical version of the original 1958 play, and versions recorded by many, including The Beatles in 1962. I see your problem. Would Maximus even stay unconscious for that long? For that I have no answer. Let's look at the distance in stead. Maximus's farm is near Roman Turgalium, present day Trujillo in Central Spain*. The shortest possible straight arrow distance from Turgalium to Africa is about 600 kilometres. The distance from Turgalium to the Strait of Gibraltar is about 585 kilometres or 363 miles. Just across from Gibraltar is Morocco, or then Roman Province of Mauretania. The sea journey would be short, as the shortest distance is 13 kilometres (8.1 miles; 7.0 nautical miles) across from Europe to Africa. With a well-built merchant ship in Roman times the speed would be about 6 knots per hour, or 11 kilometres, 6.9 miles.** The trip across the sea could take as little as just over an hour. Now the trip across land. The average horse manages 16 to 27 km/h, 10 to 17 mph. The faster gallop can be twice as fast, if the slave traders are in a hurry, but then you need freash horses every now and then to keep up the pace. Crossing 585 kilometres by horse would take 36 hours at 16 km/h, 21 hours at 27 km/h and 11.7 hours at 50 km/h. So, it would take anywhere from half a day on fast horses to a day and a half on slower ones to reach Gibraltar from Turgalium, and then a couple of hours with docking included to land at the Northernmost tip of Africa. Maybe it could be done before he woke up, but seems a bit of a stretch that he wouldn't notice that. Maybe he was close to death and woke up days later? Then, as he is seen awake, it would be days to reach Proximo at Zucchabar in the Roman province of Mauretania Caesariensis. *,_C%C3%A1ceres * The story is laid out in detail at Wikipedia, Piquet is a Vice Admiral (Vice-amiral) and the commander of NATO naval forces in the region, so he's senior to Reigart in position. He's the decider in principle. However, the French rank of Vice-amiral is considered a two-star rank, or OF-7 in the NATO system, so he's in fact equal to Reigart in rank. This is why Piquet has to settle for asking the mission to end and threaten to go to Reigart's superior instead of issuing a direct order.