xanthas's Posts

Massive Genocide happening now in Sudan, but no university protests. Why not? DeSantis says if Trump loses, he "will say it's stolen no matter what" DeSantis says if Trump loses, he "will say it's stolen no matter what" Read it and weep, MAGAts: Strong wage growth gave Americans a $1,000 spending boost in 2023 The true "TDS" is excusing tRump's criminal behavior Traitors tRump and Meadows stole binder of highly-classified, raw Russian intelligence Phony Outrage about Boston Mayor's "Electeds of Color" Party In the NE, I paid $2.60 a gallon for gas this week Poll: Would you vote for Donald Trump for president in 2024 if he is/has been - Convicted of a felony crime by a jury? More encouraging economic news: Stock Market Hits All-Time High Under President Biden Wow! Dow Jones hits all-time high on 12/13/23 - Thank you, President Biden! Dow Jones hits all-time high on 12/13/23 - Thank you, President Biden! Brutal footage of the Hamas attack was screened this week at Harvard... Al Jazeera Reporter Stunned When Elderly Gaza Woman Blames Hamas for Stealing Aid The reason why pro-Hamas "protestors" are not taken seriously... Harvard President: "those who threaten our Jewish students will be held to account" House GOP wants to impeach Biden over receiving $4k truck loan repayments from his son in 2018 Rep. Jayapal is an apologist for Hamas GANG RAPISTS Ron sure got his ass kicked by a Blue State governor last night.... Finally a conservative film that celebrates the true meaning of Xmas...