MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Traitors tRump and Meadows stole binder ...

Traitors tRump and Meadows stole binder of highly-classified, raw Russian intelligence

binder containing highly classified information related to Russian election interference went missing at the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, raising alarms among intelligence officials that some of the most closely guarded national security secrets from the US and its allies could be exposed, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.

The binder contained raw intelligence the US and its NATO allies collected on Russians and Russian agents, including sources and methods that informed the US government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election, sources tell CNN.

The intelligence was so sensitive that lawmakers and congressional aides with top secret security clearances were able to review the material only at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where their work scrutinizing it was itself kept in a locked safe.


nothing says "I have TDS" than talking about Trump everyday.


When are they going to lock that maniac up?


posted 3 hours ago by xanthas (2924)
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The intelligence was so sensitive that lawmakers and congressional aides with top secret security clearances were able to review the material only at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where their work scrutinizing it was itself kept in a locked safe.
Let's focus on intent which I think was three-pronged:

☑️1. Leverage with Putin in handing over assets for other favors. (Like building that Trump Tower in Russia)
☑️2. Trump-Washing history. DJT desperately wants to massage facts where he goes from being the villain in his own story to being the hero.
☑️3. Revenge against all those that were able to pierce that clumsy facade of creating back channels with foreign powers in order to leverage the name Trump as President now and forever.

DJT had been business Grifter who became the Grifter-In-Chief by virtue of scamming his way into the oval office with the help of Russia which had an axe to grind with HRC and the Obama administration.


tRump's crime of treason is so egregious that, "in times gone by," (as tRump likes to say), " the punishment would have been death."
