MovieChat Forums > Politics > Rep. Jayapal is an apologist for Hamas G...

Rep. Jayapal is an apologist for Hamas GANG RAPISTS

She needs to be primaried immediately. There is no place for in the Democratic party for someone who tries to gloss over violence against women. You cannot claim support women's rights and defend the Hamas or the Palestinians who support Hamas.


Talib and Omar have openly supported Hamas. But as usual no one cares.

Dems can say anything they want and no one will care.


Jayapal: “...and I’ve condemned what Hamas has done.”
Bash: “Specifically against women?”
Jayapal: “Of course!”

Bash: "With respect, I was just asking about the women, and you turned it back to Israel. I’m asking you about Hamas…”
Jayapal: "...I said it’s horrific, and I think that rape is horrific. Sexual assault is horrific. I think that it happens in war situations. Terrorist organizations like Hamas obviously are using these as tools. However, I think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians."

I'm not in Jayapal's state or particularly care for her but I didn't get the impression she was defending Hamas.

You raise a good point about the Palestinians who do support Hamas. I don't know how to quantify that or if there are any reliable statistics.


Did you forget about the two-tier system? (D)s can get away with saying and doing almost anything.
