MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Poll: Would you vote for Donald Trump fo...

Poll: Would you vote for Donald Trump for president in 2024 if he is/has been - Convicted of a felony crime by a jury?

Would you vote for Donald Trump for president in 2024 if he is/has been - Convicted of a felony crime by a jury?

Yes 25%
No 59%
4,411 Adults, 12/5-11


Back up the bus. I thought you guys hated Elon and free speech?


They do, except when it suits their purpose.


Just yesterday….

frequent snap polls that he claims represent “the voice of the people,” but actually represent the vast array of anonymous trolls, fringe extremists and bots that inevitably dominate all such amateur polling. —The New York Post


Yeap, Morgan is an imbecile that spends most of his time blocking people.


poll is worthless unless they only surveyed people who were going to vote for him if not convicted


Good luck on that because America see's right through this, all the way to where Nancy Pelosi refused Trump's request for the National Guard on Jan 6th and this is her fault, NOT his and it's true... You have a Judge & Prosecutor, Both of which have open admitted to not liking this man and have made it personal and once again, they should've been recused.. It's clearly to do everything they can to keep this man down and basically, he's like Captain America: "I can do this all day as long as you can" to the Courts and Trump's tough as nails for it too and highly respected because of this, including the black community who see's him as a normal man being pushed down by the crooked Biden Justice System


Only MAGA morons would vote for a convicted criminal


Well what can he even do if he ends up in prison over the Georgia Case?
